What is the social and solidarity economy?
In the News, Scientific literacy, Society, What's?The social and solidarity economy (SSE) encompasses organizations that seek to respond to human problems through responsible solutions. Far from being an epiphenomenon, the SSE accounts for a significant share of the economy both in France and…

The legal professions coping with the challenge of digital technology
Scientific literacy[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he first two issues of Enjeux numériques/Digital issues focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. These topics reappear in this new issue devoted to the impact of digital technology on the legal professions at…

Special issue: Electronic textiles
In the News, Materials, Scientific literacy[dropcap]E[/dropcap]lectronic textiles is a multidisciplinary field which is not limited to the characterization and development of novel materials and devices. The field also targets technologies related to the interconnection of electronic…

When Researchers and Visitors Stay up all Night
In the News, Scientific literacyEvery year, the European Researchers’ Night allows scientists and curious visitors to meet in over 200 European cities. The STORIES project, selected last May through the H2020 MSCA-NIGHT-2018 call for projects, will enable the CCSTI La…

AI, an issue of economy and civilization?
In the News, Scientific literacyThis is the first issue of the new quarterly of the series Annales des Mines devoted to the digital transition. The progress made using algorithms, the new computational capacities of devices (ranging from graphic cards to the cloud), and the…

When Science Fiction Helps Popularize Science – An Interview with Roland Lehoucq
In the News, Scientific literacy, UncategorizedWhat is energy? What is power? Roland Lehoucq, an astrophysicist at CEA and professor at École Polytechnique and Sciences Po, uses Science Fiction to help explain scientific principles to the general public. Star Wars, Interstellar, The Martian……

Advancing scientific, technical and industrial literacy, a challenge for society – An interview with Guillaume Desbrosse
In the News, Scientific literacyWhat is the role of a center for scientific literacy and what sort of work does its director do? What are the goals of the AMCSTI (Association of Museums and Centers for the Advancement of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture)? Guillaume…

What exactly is a scientific exhibition advisor? A discussion with Stephan Clémençon
In the News, Scientific literacyWho are the people working behind the scenes at scientific exhibitions? The tasks at hand range from approving content and proposing themes to identifying scientific and societal issues, and much more. To find out more, we interviewed Stephan…

Terra Data: the exhibition demystifying data
In the News, Scientific literacyUntil 7th January 2018, la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie is hosting the Terra Data exhibition. It offers the opportunity to demystify all things ‘data’, from generation to use. The exhibition is divided into four parts, and progressively…

Strategic Management of Innovation Networks
Scientific literacySuitable for a one- or two-semester course for undergraduate and graduate students, this interdisciplinary textbook explains the diverse aspects of innovation and social networks, which occupy a central place in business and policy agendas.…