La puce électronique Flexeo

The invisible electronic chip that restores the sense of touch

It could soon be possible to restore tactile sensations for people fitted with prosthetics thanks to the Flexeo project. This research program, led by Mines Saint-Etienne, has entered the second phase after four years of development. Under the supervision of Sylvain Blayac, the team has designed a flexible electronic chip that can detect and reproduce tactile sensations.
Chaque année, 213 millions de tonnes de déchets sont produites par le secteur du BTP en France (chiffres Ademe).

The Cirval chair: working towards a construction industry that uses materials and energy more efficently

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Millions of tonnes of waste are produced every year by the construction industry in France. The Cirval industrial chair is therefore devoted to reducing the impact of the sector. The Fondation Mines-Télécom, IMT Nord Europe and a dozen SMEs work together as part of Cirval, developing concrete solutions to recycle, reuse and save resources. At the same time, Cirval works with institutions to adapt standards and facilitate the circular economy in the construction industry.

Elsa Dupraz, 2024 IMT-Academy of Science Young Scientist Prize

Channel coding is the focus of Elsa Dupraz's research, a key process for improving information transmission in telecommunications. While the technique’s effectiveness in this field is well known, the researcher is also exploring novel applications, such as data compression and DNA storage. Her research, at the intersection between several disciplines, has fostered multiple collaborations and earned her the 2024 IMT-Academy of Science Young Scientist Prize.

What are neural networks?

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Neural networks are AI models designed by machine learning. They are inspired by the workings of the human brain and allow machines to carry out different tasks autonomously. Using large quantities of data as examples, they can be trained in image recognition or text analysis. Beyond their predictive performance, a number of scientific challenges still need to be resolved, concerning the understanding of their limits, reliability of their use, and their acceptability, in addition to ethical issues such as energy consumption. Stephan Clémençon, a researcher in artificial intelligence at Télécom Paris, explains more.
Parent d'enfant atteint de cancer avec un ordinateur

Cancer: technology lends a listening ear to parents of children with cancer

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How can technology and social media in particular help and support parents of children with cancer? This is the subject of a project led by Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and funded by the French National Cancer Institute. Anne-Laure Delaunay, a researcher in digital transformation and emerging technologies for management, initiated the project and gives us an inside look.

2G to 5G: the ongoing transformation of mobile networks

Mobile networks are constantly evolving, with every decade ushering in a new generation. In this article, Meroua Moussaoui, PhD student at Telecom SudParis, explains just how these networks behind our mobile phones work. She also gives us a sneak peek at the features we might experience after 5G.

Fabulous laser microstructures

IMT Atlantique has developed expertise in parallel photoplotting over many years. The school has therefore taken a leading role in the European FABulous project that will use this method to design functional 3D micro and nano-structures. These high-performance optical and photonic microstructures have applications ranging from the automotive industry to biological cell culture.
Télétravail employé

Remote work: future trends and acceptance in companies

Now a common practice in many companies, remote work is more or less accepted by employees. Advances in technology, the importance of working environments and work-life balance are all key issues in the remote work debate. Chantal Ammi, a professor at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, has studied the acceptance model of remote work.

Fifty shades of clean water

Growing awareness of the impacts of pollutant discharge on aquatic ecosystems has highlighted the urgent need for a more rigorous wastewater treatment system. At IMT Mines Alès, two researchers are developing characterization methods for thousands of existing micropollutants. This daunting task is the first step in developing environmental remediation systems.

Hyperconnected supply chain networks for improved circularity

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IMT Mines Albi drew on a use case on retrofitting thermal vehicles into electric vehicles to develop decision support tools to help companies design their supply chains. This work builds on the principles of the physical internet and aims to improve the circularity of supply chain networks.