When hydropower goes digital

The Di-Hydro project involves digitizing hydropower plants, to operate them as sustainably as possible and better plan maintenance. IMT, in particular Télécom SudParis, is contributing to the development of a federated platform designed to facilitate secure data-exchange and decision-making, both at the level of each individual plant and collectively.

Will buildings soon achieve self-awareness?

The SUST(AI)N project aims to create connected and aware buildings with a focus on human needs. The technological blocks for this system include ubiquitous and invisible sensors powered by radio frequency signals. A Telecom SudParis team has been working on this new development for over a year.

Michèle Wigger: exploring the fundamental limits of information systems

Following her first ERC grant in 2017, Michèle Wigger has been awarded a second European grant to support her work in information theory. The Telecom Paris researcher will continue to study the fundamental limits of communication systems, but will focus her main research efforts on the theoretical side.
employee advocacy

Digital employee advocacy: when employees become ambassadors for the company

Faced with the difficulties caused by silent resignations and the lack of identification with organizations, digital employee advocacy platforms are being deployed within companies. Digital employee advocacy is a concept that makes employees ambassadors for their company. Anuragini Shirish and Anaya Kumar, researchers at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, focused on what triggers digital employee advocacy behavior.

RE-S-EAU: a joint laboratory to improve water management

To meet people's water needs, municipalities are equipped with complex systems. Véolia and IMT Mines Albi have teamed up to develop tools and methods for optimizing these networks.   Water management consists of various activities…

Swoop Energy gives a second life to electric vehicle batteries

With the ban on the sale of new combustion engine cars in Europe by 2035, repurposing used electric vehicle batteries is an increasingly important issue. The start-up Swoop Energy, which was incubated at IMT Nord Europe and present at VivaTech…

Green4Cloud: greener, local cloud services

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The start-up Green4Cloud, incubated at IMT Mines Alès and present at VivaTech 2023, is addressing the challenge of making the cloud more environmentally-friendly. To do so, the company plans to install over one hundred local data centers,…

Lapala: a no-code platform to help SMEs digitize everyday tasks

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A company's everyday operations are often full of recurring tasks: selling a service, requesting paid time off, buying equipment, to name just a few examples. The start-up Lapala, incubated at IMT Atlantique and present at VivaTech 2023, allows…

DENV-R, a data center on water

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By continuously ensuring the seamless operation of the digital chain, data centers give off a considerable amount of heat and require additional energy to power their cooling systems. DENV-R, a start-up incubated at IMT Atlantique and present…

Smart masks to analyze humidity and respiration

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Surgical masks were widely used during the Covid-19 pandemic. To assess their effectiveness in real time, scientists at Mines Saint-Étienne have developed a smart mask, a device that collects data on the humidity of the mask and the wearer’s…