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72 search results for: internet of things


EUROP: Testing an Operator Network in a Single Room

The next article in our series on the Carnot Télécom technology platforms and digital society, with EUROP (Exchanges and Usages for Operator Networks) at Télécom Saint-Étienne. This platform offers physical testing of network configurations, to meet service providers’ needs. We discussed the platform with its director, Jacques Fayolle, and assignment manager Maxime Joncoux.   What […]


Personal data: How the GDPR is changing the game in Europe

The new European regulation on personal data will become officially applicable in May 2018. The regulation, which complements and strengthens a European directive from 1995, guarantees unprecedented rights for citizens, including the right to be forgotten, the right to data portability, and the right to be informed of security failures in the event of a […]


What is space telecommunication? A look at the ISS case

Laurent Franck is a space telecommunications researcher at IMT Atlantique. These communication systems are what enable us to exchange information with far-away objects (satellites, probes…). These systems also enable us to communicate with the International Space Station (ISS). This is a special and unusual case compared to the better-known example of satellite television. The researcher […]


Cybersecurity: new challenges to face up to

Computer hacking and sensitive data theft is increasing. Companies are now highly connected and must adapt their security policy to strengthen the protection of their information assets. Hervé Debar, a researcher at Télécom SudParis and expert in cybersecurity, studies the different types of cyber attacks in order to optimize their detection.   The era when […]


e.l.m leblanc and IMT sign a framework agreement on the industry of the future

Both partners are strongly involved in issues related to the industry of the future, and have decided to pool their efforts and formalize their collaboration. A lasting partnership based on three components: research, R&D and foresight. 1.    Develop cutting-edge research in the following fields : digital technologies, acoustics, Big Data and Machine Learning, Industry of […]


Networks and new services: A complete story

This book shines a spotlight on software-centric networks and their emerging service environments. The authors examine the road ahead for connectivity, for both humans and ‘things’, considering the rapid changes that have shaken the industry. The book analyses major catalytic shifts that are shaping the communications world: softwarization, virtualization, and cloud computing. It guides the […]


The autonomous car: safety hinging on a 25cm margin

Does an autonomous or semi-autonomous car really know where it is located on a map? How accurately can it position itself on the road? For the scientists who are part of the European H2020 “HIGHTS” project, intelligent transportation systems must know their position down to one quarter of a meter. Jérôme Härri, a researcher in […]


Michèle Wigger: improving communications through coordination

Last September, Michèle Wigger was awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Each year, this distinction supports projects led by the best young researchers in Europe. It will enable Michèle Wigger to further develop the work she is conducting at Télécom ParisTech on information and communications theory. She is particularly interested in optimizing information exchanges through cooperation between communicating objects.


The bitcoin and blockchain: energy hogs

By Fabrice Flipo and Michel Berne, researchers at Télécom École de Management. Editorial originally published in French in The Conversation France _______________________________________________________________________________________   The digital world still lives under the illusion that it is intangible. As governments gathered in Paris at COP21, pledging to reduce their carbon emissions to keep global warming below 2°C, the […]


IMT to embark on two new H2020 projects on the IoT and 5G

At the end of May the European Commission announced the results of two joint calls (Europe/Japan and Europe/Korea) of the Horizon 2020 program dedicated to digital technology. Institut Mines-Télécom is taking part in two new projects in the areas of the Internet of Things (South Korea) and 5G (Japan) through the work of researchers at […]