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72 search results for: internet of things


What is a digital twin?

Digital twins, digital doubles – what exactly do these terms mean? Raksmey Phan, an engineer at the Mines Saint-Étienne Centre for Biomedical and Health Engineering (CIS)[1], talks to us about the advantages and advances offered by these new tools, as well as the issues involved.   What does a digital twin refer to? Raksmey Phan: […]


Servitization of products: towards a value-creating economy

Businesses are increasingly turning towards selling the use of their products. This shift in business models affects SMEs and major corporations alike. In practice, this has an impact on all aspects of a company’s organization, from its design chain to developing collaborations, to rolling out new offerings for customers. Xavier Boucher and his colleagues, researchers […]


Data sharing: an important issue for the agricultural sector

Agriculture is among the sectors most affected by digital transition, given the amount of data it possesses. But for the industry to benefit from its full potential, it must be able to find a sound business model for sharing this data. Anne-Sophie Taillandier, the Director of TeraLab — IMT’s big data and AI platform — […]


Smart homes: A world of conflict and collaboration

The progress made in decentralized artificial intelligence means that we can now imagine what our future homes will be like. The services offered by a smart home to its users are likely to be modeled on appliances which communicate and cooperate with each other autonomously. Today, this approach is considered the best way to control […]


When organizations respond to cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are a growing reality that organizations have to face up to. In the framework of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future, researchers at IMT and Technische Universität München (TUM) show that there are solutions to this virtual threat. In particular, the ASSET project is studying responses to attacks that target communication […]


AI4EU: a project bringing together a European AI community

On January 10th, the AI4EU project (Artificial Intelligence for the European Union), an initiative of the European Commission, was launched in Barcelona. This 3-year project led by Thalès, with a budget of €20 million, aims to bring Europe to the forefront of the world stage in the field of artificial intelligence. While the main goal […]


From personal data to artificial intelligence: who benefits from our clicking?

Clicking, liking, sharing: all of our digital activities produce data. This information, which is collected and monetized by big digital information platforms, is on its way to becoming the virtual black gold of the 21st century. Have we all become digital workers? Digital labor specialist and Télécom ParisTech researcher Antonio Casilli has recently published a […]


Start-ups Energysquare and Opti’Waves receive IMT awards at CES 2019

On January 8, two start-ups from IMT school incubators received Bercy-IMT Innovation Awards in Las Vegas at CES 2019. Energysquare and Opti’Waves won first and second prize, respectively, for these financial support awards sponsored by IMT, Fondation Mines-Télécom and Carnot Télécom & Société numérique. Fondation Mines-Télécom presented the 5 “Coup de Coeur” awards chosen by […]


20 terms for understanding mobility

Increasingly linked to digital technology, mobility is becoming more complex and diversified. Autonomous driving, multimodality, rebound effect and agile method are all terms used in the study of new forms of mobility. The Fondation Mines-Télécom has put together a glossary of 20 terms to help readers understand the issues involved in this transformation and clarify […]


Cybersecurity: new times, new challenges

Editorial. Who am I? A white man, almost 30. I wear hoodies and hack websites belonging to prestigious organizations like the CIA from my parents’ basement. Above all, I am thick-skinned. Have you guessed? I am, of course, a stereotypical hacker! Movies and TV series continue to propagate this false and dated image. But due […]