qualité de l'air, modélisation, air quality, modeling

Air quality: several approaches to modeling the invisible

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The theme day on air quality modeling (organized by FIMEA and IMT Lille Douai) on June 8 provided an opportunity for researchers in this field to exchange on existing methods. Modeling makes it possible to identify the link between pollution…
réseau de chaleur, heating networks

Improving heating network performance through modeling

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At the IMT “Energy in the Digital Revolution” conference held on April 28, Bruno Lacarrière, an energetics researcher with IMT Atlantique, presented modeling approaches for improving the management of heating networks. Combined with digital…
Energy transition, Digital technology transition

Digital technology and energy: inseparable transitions

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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat if one transition was inextricably linked with another? Faced with environmental challenges, population growth and the emergence of new uses, a transformation is underway in the energy sector. Renewable resources are…
energy performance, performance énergétique, sanda lefteriu

Energy performance of buildings: modeling for better efficicency

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Sanda Lefteriu, a researcher at IMT Lille-Douai, is working on developing predictive and control models designed for buildings with the aim of improving energy management. A look at the work presented on April 28 at the IMT "Energy in the digital…
Nouvelle génération batterie lithium

Towards a new generation of lithium batteries?

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The development of connected devices requires the miniaturization and integration of electronic components. Thierry Djenizian, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, is working on new micrometric architectures for lithium batteries, which appear…
cloud computing, Maurice Gagnaire

Cloud computing for longer smartphone battery life

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How can we make our smartphone batteries last longer? For Maurice Gagnaire, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, the solution could come through mobile cloud computing. If computations currently performed by our devices could be offloaded to…
telecommunications, energy transition, Loutfi Nuaymi

Energy and telecommunications: brought together by algorithms

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It is now widely accepted that algorithms can have a transformative effect on a particular sector. In the field of telecommunications, they may indeed greatly impact how energy is produced and consumed. Between reducing the energy consumption…
Dark Matter

Even without dark matter Xenon1T is a success

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Xenon1T is the largest detector of dark matter in the world. Unveiled in 2015, it searches for this invisible material — which is five times more abundant in the universe than ordinary matter — from the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy, buried…
electromagnetic waves

Our exposure to electromagnetic waves: beware of popular belief

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Joe Wiart, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay This article is published in partnership with "La Tête au carré", the daily radio show on France Inter dedicated to the popularization of science, presented…
energy transitions

Energy Transitions: The challenge is a global one, but the solutions are also local

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For Bernard Bourges, there is no doubt: there are multiple energy transitions. He is a researcher at IMT Atlantique studying the changes in the energy sector, and takes a multi-faceted view of the changes happening in this field. He associates…