
Smart masks to analyze humidity and respiration
Digital, Health, In the News, Materials
Surgical masks were widely used during the Covid-19 pandemic. To assess their effectiveness in real time, scientists at Mines Saint-Étienne have developed a smart mask, a device that collects data on the humidity of the mask and the wearer’s…

Fire retardant biocomposites: combining lightness and fire resistance
Energy & environment, In the News, Materials
To slow the spread of fire, compounds called flame retardants are often used to treat materials to give them fire resistant properties. The problem is that some of these additives can be harmful for humans and polluting for the environment.…

Virtual reality to improve crisis management and cybersecurity
Digital, In the News
Known for its use in entertainment, virtual reality also offers interesting perspectives for crisis management and cybersecurity. Two projects carried out at IMT Mines Albi and IMT Atlantique aim to virtually simulate crises in supply chains…

Side Channel Attacks: How to exploit vulnerabilities of processors?
Digital, In the News
Side channel attacks exploit confidential information obtained from microarchitecture of general purpose computers, in other terms microprocessors. Maria Mushtaq, researcher in cybersecurity at Telecom Paris, explains how these attacks work…

All aboard for security
Digital, In the News, Industry, Mobility, Society
With France’s rail transport market opening up to competition, the SNCF’s security work is also becoming a service. This transformation raises questions on how security as an activity is organized. Florent Castagnino, Sociology researcher…

Better network-sharing with NOMA
Digital, In the News
The rise in the number of connected devices will lead to increased congestion of frequencies available for data circulation. Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is one of the techniques currently being studied to improve the hosting capacity…

Interference: a source of telecommunications problems
Digital, In the News
The growing number of connected objects is set to cause a concurrent increase in interference, a phenomenon which has remained an issue since the birth of telecommunications. In the past decade, more and more research has been undertaken in…

Open RAN opening mobile networks
Digital, In the News
With the objective of standardizing equipment in base stations, EURECOM is working on the Open RAN. This project aims to open the equipment manufacturing market to new companies, to encourage the design of innovative material for telecommunications…

Recovering uranium without digging: in situ leaching
Energy & environmentIn light of the increasing economic value of underground resources, and the environmental problems caused by disused mines, research into alternative solutions for extracting raw materials is rapidly increasing. One solution being studied is…

Recycling concrete and sediment to create new materials
Energy & environment, MaterialsHow can we meet the needs for construction materials in an environmentally responsible manner? Recycling could be the solution, but it is not yet easy to create high-performance and eco-friendly materials using waste. At the conference on Natural…