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65 search results for: energy transition


Digital technology and energy: inseparable transitions

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat if one transition was inextricably linked with another? Faced with environmental challenges, population growth and the emergence of new uses, a transformation is underway in the energy sector. Renewable resources are playing a larger role in the production of the energy mix, advances in housing have helped reduce heat loss and modes of transportation […]


Swoop Energy gives a second life to electric vehicle batteries

With the ban on the sale of new combustion engine cars in Europe by 2035, repurposing used electric vehicle batteries is an increasingly important issue. The start-up Swoop Energy, which was incubated at IMT Nord Europe and present at VivaTech 2023, provides a sustainable alternative to polluting generators by recovering these end-of-life batteries to integrate […]


Plastic waste: transforming a problem into energy

The linear life cycle of plastics, too rarely recycled, exerts a heightened pressure on the environment. The process of gasification makes it possible to reduce this impact by transforming more waste – currently incinerated or left in landfill – into useful resources like hydrogen or biomethane. Javier Escudero, process engineering researcher at IMT Mines Albi, […]


The worrying trajectory of energy consumption by digital technology

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]I[/dropcap]n November, the General Council for the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technology (CGEIET) published a report on the energy consumption of digital technology in France. The study draws up an inventory of equipment and lists consumption, making an estimate of the total volume. The results are […]


Imagination: an architect and driving force of transitions

All technology starts with a vision, a tool created to meet one of society’s objectives. Its development path is formed by both human projections and the dynamics of the transformations it generates. It is therefore important to take the time to ask ourselves what we intended to do with digital technology and what we will […]


What is hydrogen energy?

In the context of environmental and energy challenges, hydrogen energy offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels. Doan Pham Minh, a chemist and environmental engineering specialist at IMT Mines Albi, explains why this energy is so promising, how it works and the prospects for its development.   What makes hydrogen so interesting? Doan Pham Minh: […]


H2sys: hydrogen in the energy mix

I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot institute (TSN), to which IMT and Femto Engineering belong. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] H2sys is helping make hydrogen an energy of the future. This spin-off company from the FCLAB and Femto-ST laboratories in Franche-Comté […]


What is renewable energy storage?

The storage of green energy is an issue which concerns many sectors, whether for energy transition or for supplying power to connected objects using batteries. Thierry Djenizian, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, explains the main problems to us, focusing in particular on how electrochemical storage systems work.   Why is the storage of renewable sources […]