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214 search results for: algorithm


The brain: the mechanics of convolutions

Why do our brains have so many folds? The answer to this question is far from simple. In fact, the answer only came at the beginning of 2016, from a team of researchers including members from Harvard University and Télécom Bretagne. Unlike some of the theories previously proposed, this answer has nothing to do with […]


Octave: trustworthy and robust voice biometric authentication

Surely, voice biometric authentication would be an easier alternative to the large amount of passwords that we use daily. One of the barriers to exploitation involves robustness to spoofing and challenging acoustic scenarios. In order to improve the reliability of voice biometric authentication systems, Nicholas Evans and his team at Eurecom are involved since June […]


Bernadette Dorizzi

Télécom SudParis | #biometrics #algorithm #DigitalSecurity [toggle title=”Find all her articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] BioDigital, a new technology to combat identity spoofing IMT becomes an associated partner of EIT Health [/toggle]  


Augmented Reality: new standards and new tools

Thanks to their sensors, mobile phones have become powerful platforms for augmented reality. Marius Preda and his team of researchers from Télécom SudParis, GRIN (Graphics and Interactive Media), have developed technologies recently chosen by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) for the production and transmission of augmented reality content.   As their capabilities have developed, smartphones […]


Claire Levallois-Barth

Télécom ParisTech | #surveillance #cybersecurity #digitalidentity [toggle title=”Learn more” state=”open”] Data governance: trust it (or not?) Facial recognition: what legal protection exists? COVID-19: contact tracing applications, new perimeter for conversation Health crisis, state of emergency: what safeguards are there for our fundamental freedoms? GDPR: towards values and policies GDPR comes into effect. Now it’s time […]


Christine Balagué

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School | #socialnetworks #SIoT #digitaluses #bigdata [toggle title=”Learn more” state=”open”] Innovation in health: towards responsibility Good in Tech: a chair to put responsibility and ethics into innovation Chronic disease: what does the Internet really change in patients’ lives? Coopetition between individuals, little-understood interactions Healthcare: what makes some connected objects a success and […]


Recovering uranium without digging: in situ leaching

In light of the increasing economic value of underground resources, and the environmental problems caused by disused mines, research into alternative solutions for extracting raw materials is rapidly increasing. One solution being studied is in situ leaching for recovering uranium. During the Natural Resources and Environment conference that took place November 5-6, 2014 at Institut […]


Automated learning from data

Big Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, Institut Mines-Télécom has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine Learning is one such approach. It is being […]


Textiles and connected people

The quantified self is one of the fields of research at Institut Mines-Télécom, requiring the miniaturization of sensors, the optimization of their energy consumption and sometimes their incorporation into the fabric of clothing. Christian Person, a researcher at Télécom Bretagne, has developed a research activity into this direction, focusing on harvesting ambient energy and locating […]