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214 search results for: algorithm


Botfuel: chatbots to revolutionize human-machine interfaces

Are chatbots the future of interactions between humans and machines? These virtual conversation agents have a growing presence on messaging applications, offering us services in tourism, entertainment, gastronomy and much more. However, not all chatbots are equal. Botfuel, a start-up incubated at ParisTech Entrepreneurs, offers its services to businesses wanting to develop top-of-the-range chatbots. They […]


What exactly is a scientific exhibition advisor? A discussion with Stephan Clémençon

Who are the people working behind the scenes at scientific exhibitions? The tasks at hand range from approving content and proposing themes to identifying scientific and societal issues, and much more. To find out more, we interviewed Stephan Clémençon, a researcher specializing in machine learning at Télécom ParisTech and a scientific advisor for the Terra […]


Terra Data: the exhibition demystifying data

Until 7th January 2018, la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie is hosting the Terra Data exhibition. It offers the opportunity to demystify all things ‘data’, from generation to use. The exhibition is divided into four parts, and progressively develops what data is and where it is leading us. Stephan Clémençon, a researcher at Télécom […]


Will we soon be able to control machines with simple gestures?

The “Silense” European project launched in May 2017 is aimed at redefining the way we interact with machines. By using ultrasound technology similar to sonar, the researchers and industrialists participating in this collaboration have chosen to focus on 3D motion sensing technology. This technology could allow us to control our smartphone or house with simple […]


Trust in the digital age

How does the concept of trust play out in the context of new technologies? At a time when blockchain technology is experiencing phenomenal success in the corporate sector, it has become crucial to examine the mechanisms involved in building trust. Behind the machines’ apparent infallible precision, there are humans, with all their complexity and subjectivity. […]


Trust, a tool for reducing technological risks?

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom brochure: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] A sociologist with IMT Atlantique, Sophie Bretesché is specialized in the risks associated with technology. She has worked extensively on the […]


Is blockchain the ultimate technology of trust?

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] Due to its decentralized nature, blockchain technology is fueling hopes of developing a robust trust system between economic stakeholders. But although […]


Trust and identity in the digital world

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] What does “trust” mean today? Technology is redefining the concept of trust by placing the issue of identity transparency in the […]


Patrick Waelbroeck

Télécom Paris | #blockchain #PersonalData #chairVPIP [toggle title=”Find all his articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] Health crisis, state of emergency: what safeguards are there for our fundamental freedoms? Data brokers: the middlemen running the markets Algorithmic bias, discrimination and fairness Four flagship measurements of the GDPR for the economy Bitcoin: the economic issues at stake Is […]


Iris recognition: towards a biometric system for smartphones

Smartphones provide a wide range of opportunities for biometrics. Jean-Luc Dugelay and Chiara Galdi, researchers at Eurecom, are working on a simple, rapid iris recognition algorithm for mobile phones, which could be used as an authentication system for operations such as bank transactions.   Last name, first name, e-mail address, social media, photographs — your […]