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123 search results for: Big Data


Big data and personal information: a scientific revolution?

This article was originally published (in French) on the website for IMT’s Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]O[/dropcap]n 15 November 2019, Valérie Charolles was the keynote speaker at a symposium organized by the University of Insurance on the theme, “Data : a (r)evolution for insurance?” For this sector, where […]


CloudButton: Big Data in one click

Launched in January 2019 for a three-year period, the European H2020 project CloudButton seeks to democratize Big Data by drastically simplifying its programming model. To achieve this, the project relies on a new cloud service that frees the final customer from having to physically manage servers. Pierre Sutra, researcher at Télécom SudParis, one the CloudButton […]


What is Big Data?

On the occasion of the Big Data Congress in Paris, which was held on 6 and 7 March at the Palais des Congrès, Anne-Sophie Taillandier, director of TeraLab, examines this digital concept which plays a leading role in research and industry.   Big Data is a key element in the history of data storage. It […]


TeraLab, a big data platform with a European vision

TeraLab, an IMT platform aimed at accelerating big data projects by uniting researchers and companies, has held the “Silver i-Space” quality label since December 1st, 2016. This label, awarded by the Big Data Value Association, is a guarantee of the quality of the services the platform provides, both at the technical and legal levels. The […]


Encrypting and watermarking health data to protect it

As medicine and genetics make increasing use of data science and AI, the question of how to protect this sensitive information is becoming increasingly important to all those involved in health. A team from the LaTIM laboratory is working on these issues, with solutions such as encryption and watermarking. It has just been accredited by […]


Data governance: trust it (or not?)

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter no. 20 (March 2021) of the Values and Policies of Personal Information (VP-IP) Chair. On 25 November 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for the European data governance regulation, the Data Governance Act (DGA) which aims to “unlock the economic and societal potential of data and […]


Reconnecting data to the sensory world of human beings: a challenge for industry 4.0 already taken up by SMEs

Gérard Dubey, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and Anne-Cécile Lafeuillade, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) Given the magnitude of uncertainty and risk of disruption threatening the economic and social order, the digitization of productive activities is often presented as a panacea. Whether it’s a question of industrial production, creating new jobs or reclaiming lost […]


Data and AI: fostering innovation at European level

EuHubs4data, a project funded by the European Union, seeks to make a big contribution to the growth of European SMEs, start-ups and web-based companies in the global data economy. How? By providing them with a European catalogue of data-driven solutions and services in an effort to foster innovation in this field. The project was launched […]


Data sharing: an important issue for the agricultural sector

Agriculture is among the sectors most affected by digital transition, given the amount of data it possesses. But for the industry to benefit from its full potential, it must be able to find a sound business model for sharing this data. Anne-Sophie Taillandier, the Director of TeraLab — IMT’s big data and AI platform — […]