Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


A company’s everyday operations are often full of recurring tasks: selling a service, requesting paid time off, buying equipment, to name just a few examples. The start-up Lapala, incubated at IMT Atlantique and present at VivaTech 2023, allows SMEs to digitize these processes. The aim: help them go digital, save time and keep their teams […]

By continuously ensuring the seamless operation of the digital chain, data centers give off a considerable amount of heat and require additional energy to power their cooling systems. DENV-R, a start-up incubated at IMT Atlantique and present at VivaTech 2023, proposes a floating data center solution that uses water to cool itself, minimizing its impact […]

Two and a half years after its launch, the European project IMPETUS has delivered an eponymous platform dedicated to improving the security of smart cities. The IMPETUS platform incorporates eight tools combining cutting-edge technologies, ethical considerations and operational recommendations for security centers.