Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Is the Cloud PC the next revolution in computing? After storage and multimedia, desktop applications could be the next use of computers to be decentralized in the cloud. The start-up Weytop, present at VivaTech 2022 with IMT, is convinced of the fact. Its aim is to make the technology accessible to SMEs and mid-caps. The health […]

eau, cours d'eau, fleuve, water, river

Antoine Fricard, IMT Mines Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom “Since the American Revolution, since the French Revolution, we have given basic rights to all men and women. This march towards equality and democracy was a major step forward in the evolution of our human societies. But have we also given rights to nature? Not really. We still […]

IMT Mines Albi and its corporate partner Diota launched the “Inspection 4.0” joint laboratory in 2016 to detect and analyze part manufacturing defects. In 2020, the Decadom project was launched. This initiative has developed inspection solutions based on the use of a scanner hand-held by an operator or mounted on a robot to investigate defects […]