Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


European, Chair on Values and Policies of Personal Information

The Internet of Things is fast becoming a vast field of experimentation with possibilities that are yet to be taken advantage of, thanks to major technological advances promoting the miniaturization of sensors and the speed of digital exchanges. It is also thanks to services in our digitalized daily life that there will soon be dozens […]

Pollutants, Département SAGE, Mines Douai, Frédéric Thévenet, COV

Indoor air is polluted with several volatile organic compounds, some of which are carcinogenic. Frédéric Thévenet, a researcher at Mines Douai, develops solutions for trapping and eliminating these pollutants, and for improving tests for air purifying devices.   We spend nearly 90% of our time inside: at home, at the office, at school, or in […]

Christian Roux, IMT, Humanities, Social Sciences

New materials, artificial intelligences, green energy, virtual reality, 5G… so many new innovations are impacting our society. The transformations they bring about result in changes to organizations, and redefine the role humans play in their environment, in both the professional and private realms. According to Christian Roux, Executive VP for Research and Innovation at IMT, […]