Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Christian Roux, IMT, Humanities, Social Sciences

New materials, artificial intelligences, green energy, virtual reality, 5G… so many new innovations are impacting our society. The transformations they bring about result in changes to organizations, and redefine the role humans play in their environment, in both the professional and private realms. According to Christian Roux, Executive VP for Research and Innovation at IMT, […]

Jean-Louis Dessalles, Claude Shannon, Simplicity theory

The simplicity theory is founded on humans’ sensitivity to variations in complexity. Something that seems overly simple suddenly becomes interesting. This concept, which was developed by Jean-Louis Dessalles from Télécom ParisTech, challenges Shannon’s probabilistic method for describing certain information. Using this new approach, he can explain events that are otherwise inexplicable, such as creativity, decision-making, […]

In the framework of the European research program H2020, the Institut Mines-Telecom is taking part in the project « City4age ». The latter is meant to offer a smart city model adapted to the elderly. Through non-intrusive technologies, the aim is to improve their quality of life and to facilitate the action of Health Services. The researcher […]