Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Searching for, extracting, analyzing, and sharing information in order to make the right decision requires great skill. For machines to provide human operators with valuable assistance in these highly-cognitive tasks, they must be equipped with “knowledge” about the world. At Mines Alès, Sylvie Ranwez has been developing innovative processing solutions based on ontologies for many […]

Pokémon Go, Télécom SudParis, Marius Preda, Augmented reality

Since its launch, the Pokémon Go game has broken all download records. More than just a fun gaming phenomenon, it is above all an indicator of the inevitable arrival of augmented reality technology in our daily lives. Marius Preda, a researcher at Télécom SudParis and an expert on the subject, explains exactly what the term […]

Bitcoin, blockchain, Michel Berne, Fabrice Flipo

By Fabrice Flipo and Michel Berne, researchers at Télécom École de Management. Editorial originally published in French in The Conversation France _______________________________________________________________________________________   The digital world still lives under the illusion that it is intangible. As governments gathered in Paris at COP21, pledging to reduce their carbon emissions to keep global warming below 2°C, the […]