Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Quantum computer, Romain Alléaume

The use of quantum logic for computing promises a radical change in the way we process information. The calculating power of a quantum computer could surpass that of today’s biggest supercomputers within ten years. Romain Alléaume, a researcher in quantum information at Télécom ParisTech, helps us to understand how they work.   Is the nature […]

electromagnetic waves

Joe Wiart, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay This article is published in partnership with “La Tête au carré”, the daily radio show on France Inter dedicated to the popularization of science, presented and produced by Mathieu Vidard. The author of this text, Joe Wiart, discussed his research on the show broadcast on April 28, […]

Honoris Causa

This prestigious honor was awarded on 29 June at Mines Saint-Etienne by Philippe Jamet, President of IMT, in the presence of many important scientific, academic and institutional figures. IMT’s aim was to honor one of the inventors and pioneers of a new field of science – mechanobiology – which studies the effects of mechanical stress […]