Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


feu, fire

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Rodolphe Sonnier, IMT Mines Alès. This article was co-authored by Clément Lacoste (IMT Mines Alès), Laurent Ferry (IMT Mines Alès) and Henri Vahabi (Université de Lorraine). [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he discovery of fire is often cited as the most important discovery in the history of […]

AI Artificial Intelligence

Editorial “Artificial Intelligence”. It’s hard to define a technology which encompasses such a large variety of tools and techniques (centralized or decentralized approaches, supervised or unsupervised learning, ontologies, etc.), with ramifications in each of these categories, ranging from neural networks to autonomous agents. The scope of AI is both broad and rich. It would therefore […]

flood water level

Predicting the level of water in rivers or streams can prove to be invaluable in areas with a high risk of flooding or droughts. While traditional models are based primarily on hypotheses about processes, another approach is emerging: artificial neural networks. Anne Johannet, an environmental engineering researcher at IMT Mines Alès, uses this approach. This […]