Coming soon: new ways to interact with machines
Digital, In the NewsOur electronic and computing devices are becoming smaller, more adapted to our needs, and closer to us physically. From the very first heavy, stationary and complex computers, we have moved on to our smartphones, ever at the ready. What innovations…
eOdyn: technological breakthrough in the observation of ocean surface currents
Digital, In the News, Start-up-enExisting methods for measuring ocean surface currents are expensive, difficult to implement and limited in the amount of information they can gather. The solution proposed by the eOdyn startup, based on the algorithmic analysis of data from…
What are the latest innovations in additive manufacturing?
In the News, Materials, UncategorizedAlthough additive manufacturing is already fully integrated into industrial processes, it is continuing to develop thanks to new advances in technology. The Additive Manufacturing Tech’Day, co-organized by IMT Mines Alès and Materiautech…
e-Health companies face challenges in developing business models
Health, In the News, SocietyThe development of technological tools has opened the way for many innovations in the e-health sector. These products and services allow doctors to remotely monitor their patients and help empower dependent persons. Yet the companies that develop…
Software: A key to the industry of the future
Digital, In the NewsOn January 30 and 31, 2018 in Nantes, the aLIFE symposium focused on the software industry’s contribution to the industry of the future. It was being organized by IMT Atlantique, and aimed to bring together manufacturers and researchers in…
Soft Landing: A partnership between European incubators for developing international innovation
Europe EN, In the News, Society, Start-up-enHow can European startups be encouraged to reach beyond their countries’ borders to develop internationally? How can they come together to form new collaborations? The Soft Landing project, in which business incubator IMT Starter is participating,…
Xenon instruments for long-term experiments
Energy, Energy & environment, In the News, Live labs ENFrom the ancient gnomon that measured the sun’s height, to the Compton gamma ray observatory, the microscope, and large-scale accelerators, scientific instruments are researchers’ allies, enabling them to make observations at the smallest…
A robot and supervised learning algorithms for physical rehabilitation
Digital, Health, In the NewsWhat if robotics and machine learning could help ease your back pain? The KERAAL project, led by IMT Atlantique, is working to design a humanoid robot that could help patients with lower back pain do their rehabilitation exercises at home. Thanks…
Facial morphology analysis algorithms for choosing glasses
Digital, In the NewsEveryone who wears glasses knows: finding the best pair for your face can be a daunting task… The VESPA project, led by researchers at IMT Lille Douai and hosted by the Teralab platform, is working with Cape Trylive to develop machine learning…
Debate: carbon tax, an optical illusion
In the News, SocietyFabrice Flipo, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom
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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he climate is warming and changing: we must act. On the French version of the website The Conversation,…