smart home

Smart homes: A world of conflict and collaboration

The progress made in decentralized artificial intelligence means that we can now imagine what our future homes will be like. The services offered by a smart home to its users are likely to be modeled on appliances which communicate and cooperate…
large retailers

AI lends a hand to help large retailers win back their customers

Large retailers are in search of tools to help them improve the buying experience in their stores and compete more effectively with online shopping. From intelligent guidance for customers in overcrowded supermarkets to optimized selection of…

Human-robot collaboration: Industrial utopia or tomorrow’s reality?

In the factories of the future, robots will not replace humans, but instead assist them. Researchers Sotiris Manitsaris from Mines ParisTech and Patrick Hénaff from Mines Nancy, are currently working on a control system design based on artificial…

MAGIC: the wonders of infrared camouflage

The MAGIC project aims to develop a camouflage technique against infrared cameras. Mines Saint-Etienne is using its expertise in the optical properties of materials to achieve the project’s objective. Funded by the DGA and supported by the…

KM3NeT: Searching the Depths of the Sea for Elusive Neutrinos

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The sun alone produces more than 64 billion neutrinos per second and per cm2 that pass right through the Earth. These elementary particles of matter are everywhere, yet they remain almost entirely elusive. The key word is almost... The European…
maladie chronique, chronic disease

Chronic disease: what does the Internet really change in patients’ lives?

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For the first time, a study has assessed the impact of digital technology on the lives of patients with chronic diseases. It was conducted by the ICA patient association collective, in partnership with researchers from the Smart Objects and…
cyber sovereignty

What is cyber sovereignty?

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Sovereignty is a concept that is historically linked to the idea of a physical territory, whereas the digital world is profoundly dematerialized and virtual. So what does the notion of cyber sovereignty mean? It combines the economic strength…
Indoor air

Indoor Air: under-estimated pollutants

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While some sources of indoor air pollution are well known, there are others that researchers do not yet fully understand. This is the case for cleaning products and essential oils. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) they become and their…
New multicast solutions could significantly boost communication between cars.

Effective communication for the environments of the future

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Optimizing communication is an essential aspect of preparing for the uses of tomorrow, from new modes of transport to the industries of the future. Reliable communications are a prerequisite when it comes to delivering high quality services.…
domain name

Domain name fraud: is the global internet in danger?

Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] [dropcap]I[/dropcap]n late February 2019, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN),…