C in your Browser
Digital, In the NewsIn the academic world, teaching and carrying out research often go hand-in-hand. This is especially true for Rémi Sharrock, a computer science researcher at Télécom Paris, who has developed a C Language learning program comprising 7 MOOCs.…
Astrid: a nuclear project goes up in smoke
Energy & environment, In the NewsThe abandonment of the Astrid project marks a turning point for France's nuclear industry. The planned nuclear reactor was supposed to be "safer, more efficient and more sustainable", but therefore required significant funding. Stéphanie Tillement,…
A dictionary for connected devices
Digital, Europe EN, In the NewsThe field of connected devices is growing at a staggering pace across all industries. There is a growing need to develop a communication standard, meaning a 'common language' that different smart systems could understand and interpret. To contribute…
Being Human with algorithms : Marc-Oliver Pahl meets Raimund Seidel
In the NewsMarc-Oliver Pahl is a researcher in cybesecurity at IMT Atlantique. In 2018, he launched “Being human with algorithms”, a series of video interviews between technicians and non-technicians around the topic of digital transformation. Through…
Understanding the resilience of the immune system through mathematical modeling
Digital, In the NewsGaining insight into how the immune system works using mathematics is the ultimate goal of the research carried out by IMT Atlantique researcher Dominique Pastor, along with his team. Although the study involves a great degree of abstraction,…
Unéole on our roofs
Energy, Energy & environment, In the News, Start-up-enWe know how to use wind to produce electricity, but large three-bladed turbines do not have their place in urban environments. The start-up Unéole has therefore developed a wind turbine that is suitable for cities, as well as other environments.…
A sorting algorithm to improve plastic recycling
Digital, In the News, MaterialsProducing high-quality raw materials from waste is contingent on effective sorting. Plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are no exception. To help solve this problem, researchers at IMT Mines Alès have developed a…
Tracking mobile industrial equipment in real time with Hiboo
Digital, In the News, Start-up-enThe Hiboo start-up was incubated at Télécom Paris and provides a platform to help companies better manage their mobile assets: equipment, merchandise, vehicles etc. This solution is now widely used in the construction industry.
SOCCRATES automates cybersecurity for industrial systems
Digital, Europe EN, In the NewsSOCCRATES is a H2020 European project launched in September 2019 for a three-year period. It aims to develop at least one platform to automate the detection of certain attacks and launch appropriate countermeasures. In doing so, it should help…
A window, and silence!
Digital, In the News, Start-up-enTo combat noise pollution and its effects on human health, DeNoize, a start-up incubated at Mines Saint-Étienne, offers a solution: a window that 'mutes sound'. This connected window would analyze outside noise and adapt to cancel it out.