hydrogène décarboné carbon-free hydrogen

Carbon-free hydrogen: how to go from gray to green?

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The industrial roll-out of hydrogen production only makes sense if it emits little or no carbon dioxide. Researchers at IMT schools are working on various alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, such as electrolysis and photocatalysis of water,…

Power-to-gas, when hydrogen electrifies research

Hydrogen is presented as an energy vector of the future. In a power-to-gas system, it serves as an intermediary for the transformation of electricity into synthetic methane. The success of this energy solution depends heavily on its production cost, so IMT researchers are working on optimizing the different processes for a more competitive power-to-gas solution.

Hydrogen: transport and storage difficulties

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Does hydrogen hold the key to the great energy transition to come? France and other countries believe this to be the case, and have chosen to invest heavily in the sector. Such spending will be needed to solve the many issues raised by this…

Fuel cells in the hydrogen age

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Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are recognized as a clean technology because they do not emit carbon dioxide. As part of the energy transition aimed at transforming our modes of energy consumption and production, the fuel cell therefore has a role…
high temperature fuel cell

Turning exhaust gases into electricity, an innovative prototype

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Jean-Paul Viricelle, a researcher in process engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne, has created a small high-temperature fuel cell composed of a single chamber. Placed at the exhaust outlet of the combustion process, this prototype could be used…

What is life cycle analysis?

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Life cycle analysis (LCA) is increasingly common, in particular for eco-design or to obtain a label. It is used to assess the environmental footprint of a product or service by taking into account as many sources as possible. In the following…

Managing electronic waste: a global problem

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Responsibilities surrounding digital waste are multi-faceted. On one side, it is governments' responsibility to establish tighter border controls to better manage the flow of waste and make sure that it is not transferred to developing countries.…
fonds industrie

Capsit and Plas’tri, the first start-ups to receive “Industry & Energy 4.0” honor loans

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After the “Digital” fund, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Fondation Mines-Télécom launched a second fund last October called “Industry & Energy 4.0” and dedicated to the sciences of energy, materials and processes. The Capsit…

Arsenic contamination of water: Detection and treatment challenges

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Arsenic contamination of water, whether surface water or ground water, affects many parts of France. Such contamination may be the result of anthropogenic causes, linked to mining operations for example, or of natural causes in relation to…
Flood, soil erosion

Agricultural sediments transported by rivers

The QuASPEr project studied the Canche river basin in northern France to better understand the phenomenon of soil erosion and its related consequences. This knowledge aims to develop effective land management methods for municipalities without…