Déchets plastiques, plastic waste

Plastic waste: transforming a problem into energy

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The linear life cycle of plastics, too rarely recycled, exerts a heightened pressure on the environment. The process of gasification makes it possible to reduce this impact by transforming more waste – currently incinerated or left in landfill…
Metaverse, nouvelles technologies

Debate: The Metaverse, flying taxis and other weapons of mass planetary destruction

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Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School 5G, 8K, flying taxis and the Metaverse are all topics of great interest, raising many questions. However, such questions are rarely, if ever, from an environmental perspective. A…

Improving air quality with decision-making tools

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Launched in October for a four-year period, the RI-URBANS project aims to strengthen synergies between European air quality monitoring networks and research infrastructures in the field of atmospheric sciences. IMT Nord Europe is a partner…

Cleaning up polluted tertiary wastewater from the agri-food industry with floating wetlands

In 2018, IMT Atlantique researchers launched the FloWAT project, based on a hydroponic system of floating wetlands. It aims to reduce polluting emissions from treated wastewater into the discharge site. Claire Gérente, researcher at…
Antoine Fécant

Antoine Fécant, winner of the 2021 IMT-Académie des Sciences Young Scientist Prize

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Antoine Fécant, new energy materials researcher at IFP Energies Nouvelles, has worked on many projects relating to solar and biosourced fuel production and petrol refining. His work has relevance for the energy transition and, this year, was…
gestion des déchets, waste management

Waste management: decentralizing for better management

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Reducing the environmental impact of waste and encouraging its reuse calls for a new approach to its management. This requires the modeling of circuits on a territorial scale, and the improvement of collaboration between public and private…

Easier access to research infrastructure for the European atmospheric science community

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Improving access to large facilities for research on climate and air quality and optimizing use are the objectives of the European ATMO-ACCESS project. Véronique Riffault and Stéphane Sauvage, researchers at IMT Nord Europe, one of the project's…
fission spin, nucléaire

Nuclear fission reveals new secrets

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Almost 80 years after the discovery of nuclear fission, it continues to unveil its mysteries. The latest to date: an international collaboration has discovered what makes the fragments of nuclei spin after fission. This offers insights into…
économie circulaire, impact environnemental

Circular economy – dive in, there is so much to discover!

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To effectively roll out circular economy policies within a territory, companies and decision-makers require access to evaluation and simulation tools. The design of these tools, still in the research phase, necessarily requires a more detailed consideration of the impact of human activities, both locally and globally.

ThermiUp: a new heat recovery device

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ThermiUP helps meet the challenge of energy-saving in buildings. This start-up, incubated at IMT Atlantique, is set to market a device that transfers heat from grey water to fresh water. Its director, Philippe Barbry, gives us an…