Gregory Zacharewicz
IMT Mines Alès | Modeling, Multi agents simulation, Semantic approaches [toggle title=”Find all his articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] BeePMN: Monitoring bees to take better care of them [/toggle]
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IMT Mines Alès | Modeling, Multi agents simulation, Semantic approaches [toggle title=”Find all his articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] BeePMN: Monitoring bees to take better care of them [/toggle]
Although it is only in the prototype stage, the metaverse is already making quite a name for itself. This term, which comes straight out of a science fiction novel from the 1990s, now describes the concept of a connected virtual world, heralded as the future of the Internet. So what’s hiding on the other side […]
Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom and Olivier Levillain, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom The original purpose of cryptography is to allow two parties (traditionally referred to as Alice and Bob) to exchange messages without another party (traditionally known as Eve) being able to read them. Alice and Bob will therefore agree on a […]
Given that catastrophic events are rare by nature, it is difficult to prepare for them. However, artificial intelligence offers high-performing tools for modeling and simulation, and is therefore an excellent tool to design, test and optimize the response to such events. At IMT Mines Alès, Satya Lancel and Cyril Orengo are both undertaking research on […]
Individual cars represent a major source of pollution. But how can you transition from using your own car when you live far from the city center, in an area with little access to public transport? Andrea Araldo, researcher at Télécom SudParis is undertaking a research project that aims to redesign city accessibility, to benefit those […]
Baptiste PILLET, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom The abdomen experiences intra-abdominal pressure, which varies according to the volume of organs, respiration, muscle activation and any physiological activity. As a consequence, the abdomen must resist forces exerted by this pressure, which can at times be high when coughing or vomiting, or during pregnancy. Certain illnesses such […]
Improving access to large facilities for research on climate and air quality and optimizing use are the objectives of the European ATMO-ACCESS project. Véronique Riffault and Stéphane Sauvage, researchers at IMT Nord Europe, one of the project’s 38 partner institutions, explain the issues involved. What was the context for developing the ATMO-ACCESS project? Stéphane Sauvage – The […]
Designing projects implies that individuals or groups must pool their values to collaborate effectively. But the various parties involved may be guided by diverging value systems, making it difficult to find compromises and common solutions. Françoise Détienne and Michael Baker, researchers at Télécom Paris, explain how the role of values in collective design can be understood. […]
To effectively roll out circular economy policies within a territory, companies and decision-makers require access to evaluation and simulation tools. The design of these tools, still in the research phase, necessarily requires a more detailed consideration of the impact of human activities, both locally and globally.
How can traffic and public transport be managed more effectively in a city, while controlling pollution, ensuring the safety of users and at the same time, taking into account ethical issues related to the use of data and mechanisms to ensure its protection? This is the challenge facing IMPETUS, a €9.3 million project receiving funding […]