Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Octave : sécuriser la biométrie vocale contre l’usurpation

Surely, voice biometric authentication would be an easier alternative to the large amount of passwords that we use daily. One of the barriers to exploitation involves robustness to spoofing and challenging acoustic scenarios. In order to improve the reliability of voice biometric authentication systems, Nicholas Evans and his team at Eurecom are involved since June […]

Brain, Alexandre Gramfort

Alexandre Gramfort is a young researcher at Télécom ParisTech and just received an ERC starting grant. This prestigious European prize and support acknowledges his research efforts in signal processing and machine learning. For the last eight years, Alexandre Gramfort has worked on mathematical tools to better extract, analyze and visualize brain signals, essentially using electroencephalograms […]

As a major component of the Industry of the Future project, additive manufacturing — or 3D printing — is leading to ever-increasing research on materials. Researchers at Mines Douai seized on the opportunity to explore this line of research a little over two years ago. Today, the many requests the school has received for research […]