Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.



Hydrogen is a resource that is prized for its applications in the chemical industry and for its role in the fuel cells used in electric vehicles. Vabhyogaz – a project initiated by Didier Grouset, a researcher at Mines Albi – proposes to convert biogas from our waste into hydrogen. The project, which began nearly ten […]

Croquis cerveau

Why do our brains have so many folds? The answer to this question is far from simple. In fact, the answer only came at the beginning of 2016, from a team of researchers including members from Harvard University and Télécom Bretagne. Unlike some of the theories previously proposed, this answer has nothing to do with […]

Quèsaco, What is?, 5G, Frédéric Guilloud

5G is the future network that will allow us to communicate wirelessly. How will it work? When will it be available for users? With the Mobile World Congress in full swing in Barcelona, we are launching our new “What is…?” series with Frédéric Guilloud, Research Professor at IMT Atlantique, who answers our questions about 5G. […]