Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


orgues basaltiques

Bernard Guy, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom This photo shows basalt columns. They can be found all over the world where magma flows from volcanoes have cooled and solidified. These spectacular and fascinating structures have been, and still are, the subject of much study, from characterization on site and in the laboratory to physicochemical and […]

limites planétaires, planetary limits

By Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Étienne, UMR 5600 Environment, City, Society (EVS), and Aurélien Boutaud, associate researcher at UMR 5600 EVS. In recent months, several scientific papers months have drawn attention to the fact that new planetary limits have been crossed (e.g., here and here). These worrying observations have been the subject of numerous media reports. But what do scientists mean […]

The GDPR, which came into force four years ago, requires companies to exercise strict control over their personal data processing activities. Many organizations find themselves in difficulty trying to meet these requirements. Dastra, a start-up present at VivaTech 2022 with IMT, has developed a SaaS platform that helps companies stay in compliance with data regulations. […]