Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Enhanced humans

What exactly do we mean by an “enhanced” human? When this possibility is brought up, what is generally being referred to is the addition of human and machine-based performances (expanding on the figure of the cyborg popularized by science fiction). But enhanced in relation to what? According to which reference values and criteria? How, for example, […]

Arago, IMT Atlantique, Jean-Louis de Bougrenet

Arago is a technology platform specializing in applied optics, based at IMT Atlantique’s Brest campus. It provides scientific services and a technical environment for manufacturers in the optics and vision sectors. It has unique expertise in the field of liquid crystals, micro-optics and health.   Are you in the industrial sector or a small business […]

Television, NexGenTV, Eurecom, Raphaël Troncy

The television of the future is being invented in the Eurecom laboratories, at Sophia-Antipolis. This is not about creating technologies for even bigger, sharper screens, but rather reinventing the way TV is used. In a French Unique Interministerial Fund (FUI) project named NexGenTV, researchers, broadcasters and developers have joined forces to achieve this goal. The […]