Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


xenon, xenon1t, Dominique Thers, IMT Atlantique

From the ancient gnomon that measured the sun’s height, to the Compton gamma ray observatory, the microscope, and large-scale accelerators, scientific instruments are researchers’ allies, enabling them to make observations at the smallest and largest scales. Used for both basic and applied research, they help test hypotheses and push back the boundaries of human knowledge. […]

physical rehabilitation

What if robotics and machine learning could help ease your back pain? The KERAAL project, led by IMT Atlantique, is working to design a humanoid robot that could help patients with lower back pain do their rehabilitation exercises at home. Thanks to supervised learning algorithms, the robot can show the patient the right movements and […]

Algorithms, glasses, Recommandation essayage algorithmes lunettes VESPA

Everyone who wears glasses knows: finding the best pair for your face can be a daunting task… The VESPA project, led by researchers at IMT Lille Douai and hosted by the Teralab platform, is working with Cape Trylive to develop machine learning algorithms that can determine users’ facial characteristics during virtual online fittings and recommend […]