serious games

Serious games: when games invade the classroom

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Over the last few years, a new teaching method linked to the invasion of digital technology in our daily lives has begun shaking up traditional learning methods. The primary purpose of these serious games is not entertainment. The developing…
feu, fire

Fighting fire: from ancient Egypt to Notre-Dame de Paris

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Rodolphe Sonnier, IMT Mines Alès. This article was co-authored by Clément Lacoste (IMT Mines Alès), Laurent Ferry (IMT Mines Alès) and Henri Vahabi (Université de Lorraine). [divider…
AI Artificial Intelligence

Far from fantasy: the AI technologies which really affect us

Editorial “Artificial Intelligence”. It’s hard to define a technology which encompasses such a large variety of tools and techniques (centralized or decentralized approaches, supervised or unsupervised learning, ontologies, etc.), with…
flood water level

How can AI help better forecast high and low water levels?

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Predicting the level of water in rivers or streams can prove to be invaluable in areas with a high risk of flooding or droughts. While traditional models are based primarily on hypotheses about processes, another approach is emerging: artificial…
smart home

Smart homes: A world of conflict and collaboration

The progress made in decentralized artificial intelligence means that we can now imagine what our future homes will be like. The services offered by a smart home to its users are likely to be modeled on appliances which communicate and cooperate…
large retailers

AI lends a hand to help large retailers win back their customers

Large retailers are in search of tools to help them improve the buying experience in their stores and compete more effectively with online shopping. From intelligent guidance for customers in overcrowded supermarkets to optimized selection of…

Human-robot collaboration: Industrial utopia or tomorrow’s reality?

In the factories of the future, robots will not replace humans, but instead assist them. Researchers Sotiris Manitsaris from Mines ParisTech and Patrick Hénaff from Mines Nancy, are currently working on a control system design based on artificial…

MAGIC: the wonders of infrared camouflage

The MAGIC project aims to develop a camouflage technique against infrared cameras. Mines Saint-Etienne is using its expertise in the optical properties of materials to achieve the project’s objective. Funded by the DGA and supported by the…

KM3NeT: Searching the Depths of the Sea for Elusive Neutrinos

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The sun alone produces more than 64 billion neutrinos per second and per cm2 that pass right through the Earth. These elementary particles of matter are everywhere, yet they remain almost entirely elusive. The key word is almost... The European…
maladie chronique, chronic disease

Chronic disease: what does the Internet really change in patients’ lives?

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For the first time, a study has assessed the impact of digital technology on the lives of patients with chronic diseases. It was conducted by the ICA patient association collective, in partnership with researchers from the Smart Objects and…