
Medcam: a high-quality image for laparoscopy

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300,000 laparoscopies are performed every year in France. At ten euros per minute spent in the operating room for procedures that last from one to ten hours, any time that can be saved is significant. Medcam helps save precious minutes by reducing…

BioMICA platform: at the cutting edge of medical imaging

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Among the research platforms at Télécom SudParis, BioMICA has developed bio-imaging applications that have already been approved by the medical field. Airways, its 3D representation software, received funding from Télécom & Société…
field hospitals, hôpitaux de campagne

Emergency logistics for field hospitals

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European field hospitals, or temporary medical care stations, are standing by and ready to be deployed throughout the world in the event of a major disaster. The HOPICAMP project, of which IMT Mines Alès is one of the partners, works to improve…

Diatabase: France’s first diabetes database

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The M4P consortium has received the go-ahead from Bpifrance to implement its project to build a clinical diabetes database called Diatabase. The consortium headed by Altran also includes French stakeholders in diabetes care, the companies OpenHealth…
breast cancer

Superpixels for enhanced detection of breast cancer

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Deep learning methods are increasingly used to aid medical diagnosis. At IMT Atlantique, Pierre-Henri Conze is taking part in this drive to use artificial intelligence algorithms for healthcare by focusing on breast cancer. His work combines…

A digital twin of the aorta to prevent aneurysm rupture

15,000 Europeans die each year from rupture of an aneurysm in the aorta. Stéphane Avril and his team at Mines Saint-Étienne are working to better prevent this. To do so, they develop a digital twin of the artery of a patient with an aneurysm.…

Mathematical tools for analyzing the development of brain pathologies in children

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables medical doctors to obtain precise images of a patient's structure and anatomy, and of the pathologies that may affect the patient's brain. However, to analyze and interpret these complex images, radiologists…
MT 180, surgery, chirurgie, thesis, thèse

MT 180: 3D organ models facilitate surgery on children

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Alessio Virzì, Biomedical Engineer - PhD student in Medical Image Processing, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay The original version of this article (in French) was published on The Conversation,…

Q4Health: a network slice for emergency medicine

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How can emergency response services be improved? The H2020 Q4Health project raised this question. The European consortium that includes EURECOM, the University of Malaga and RedZinc has demonstrated the possibility to relay video between first…
VOC, Volatile organic compound

What is a volatile organic compound (VOC)?

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Pollution in urban areas is a major public health issue. While peaks in the concentration of fine particles often make the news, they are not the only urban pollutants. Volatile organic compounds, or VOC, also present a hazard. Some are carcinogenic,…