contact tracing applications

COVID-19: contact tracing applications and new conversational perimeter

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The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair (no. 18, September 2020). [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] [dropcap]O[/dropcap]n…

Temporary tattoos for brain exploration

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A team of bioelectronics researchers at Mines Saint-Étienne has developed a new type of electroencephalogram electrode using a temporary tattoo technique. As effective as traditional electrodes, but much more comfortable, they can provide extended…

Protective masks: towards widespread reuse?

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How can protective masks be recycled and reused without risking safety? Scientists, medical practitioners and manufacturers have teamed up to explore different treatment methods. As part of this consortium, IMT Atlantique researchers are studying…

Reducing the duration of mechanical ventilation with a statistical theory

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A team of researchers from IMT Atlantique has developed an algorithm that can automatically detect anomalies in mechanical ventilation by using a new statistical theory. The goal is to improve synchronization between the patient and ventilator,…

STREAM: Bone tissue model culture

The STREAM project, which Mikhaël Hadida is working on at Mines Saint-Étienne, aims to develop a controlled, carefully-managed bone tissue culture platform. This system would facilitate observation in order to study the mechanisms involved…

Twin ERC grants for research on the aorta

In 2015, the Mines Saint-Étienne engineering and health center was awarded two grants by the European Research Council (ERC). This funding was for two five-year projects on ruptured aortic aneurysms in the Sainbiose laboratory[1]. Pierre…

AiiNTENSE: AI for intensive care units

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The start-up AiiNTENSE was incubated at IMT Starter and develops decision support tools for healthcare with the aim of advising intensive care personnel on the most appropriate therapeutic procedures. To this end, the start-up is developing…

When engineering helps improve healthcare

Editorial.   Tomorrow's medicine will be at least 4P: personalized, preventive, predictive, participative. 'At least,' because some would readily add "precise," "proof" (evidence-based), "pathway-based" etc. Beyond naming this type…
Dominique Thers’ team at IMT Atlantique is working on XEMIS, a medical imaging device that uses liquid xenon.

Is dark matter the key to the medical scanner of the future?

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A team of researchers at IMT Atlantique is developing a new type of medical scanner called XEMIS. To create the device, the team drew on their previous research in fundamental physics and the detection of dark matter, using liquid xenon technology.…
aerosol therapy

Aerosol therapy: An ex vivo model of lungs

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A researcher in Health Engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne, Jérémie Pourchez, and his colleagues at the Saint-Étienne University Hospital, have developed an ex vivo model of lungs to help improve medical aerosol therapy devices. An advantage…