GDPR comes into effect. Now it’s time to think about certification seals!

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The new European Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25. Out of the 99 articles contained in the regulation, two are specifically devoted to the question of certification. While establishing seals to demonstrate…

Q4Health: a network slice for emergency medicine

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How can emergency response services be improved? The H2020 Q4Health project raised this question. The European consortium that includes EURECOM, the University of Malaga and RedZinc has demonstrated the possibility to relay video between first…

TeraLab, a European data sanctuary

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Over the course of three months, TeraLab was involved in two European H2020 projects on the industry of the future: MIDIH and BOOST 4.0. This confirms the role played by TeraLab—IMT’s big data and artificial intelligence platform—as a…
Soft Landing

Soft Landing: A partnership between European incubators for developing international innovation

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How can European startups be encouraged to reach beyond their countries’ borders to develop internationally? How can they come together to form new collaborations? The Soft Landing project, in which business incubator IMT Starter is participating,…
Davide Balzarotti, Eurecom, ERC, Consolidator grant

A third ERC grant in 3 years at EURECOM

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Getting a grant from the European Research Council is not an easy task but this is what Davide Balzarotti, Professor in the Security Department, has just accomplished. He is the third EURECOM professor to obtain an ERC grant in the past 3 years.   Davide,…
Mobile World Congress 2016, market

Will 5G turn the telecommunications market upside-down?

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The European Commission is anticipating the arrival of the fifth generation in mobile phones (5G) in 2020. It is expected to significantly increase data speeds and offer additional uses. However, the extent of the repercussions on the telecommunications…
Silense, Marius Preda, Télécom SudParis

Will we soon be able to control machines with simple gestures?

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The “Silense” European project launched in May 2017 is aimed at redefining the way we interact with machines. By using ultrasound technology similar to sonar, the researchers and industrialists participating in this collaboration have chosen…
Celtic-Plus Awards, Eureka

Three IMT projects receive Celtic-Plus Awards

Three projects involving IMT schools were featured among the winners at the 2017 Celtic-Plus Awards. The Celtic-Plus program is committed to promoting innovation and research in the areas of telecommunications and information technology. The…
AutoMat, Télécom ParisTech

With AutoMat, Europe hopes to adopt a marketplace for data from connected vehicles

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Data collected by communicating vehicles represent a goldmine for providers of new services. But in order to buy and sell this data, economic players need a dedicated marketplace. Since 2015, the AutoMat H2020 project has been developing such…
oispg, Pierre Simai, IMT

OISPG: Promoting open innovation in Europe

On January 1st, 2017, Pierre Simay was appointed as the new OISPG Rapporteur. This group of experts from the European Commission supports and promotes open innovation practices, particularly in the context of the Horizon 2020 program.   “Today’s…