
MuTAS, urban mobility

“En route” to more equitable urban mobility, thanks to artificial intelligence

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Individual cars represent a major source of pollution. But how can you transition from using your own car when you live far from the city center, in an area with little access to public transport? Andrea Araldo, researcher at Télécom SudParis…
Digital innovations in health

Innovation in health: towards responsibility

Digital innovations are paving the way for more accurate predictive medicine and a more resilient healthcare system. In order to establish themselves on the market and reduce their potential negative effects, these technologies must be responsible.…
Eclairer boites noires, algorithms

Shedding some light on black box algorithms

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In recent decades, algorithms have become increasingly complex, particularly through the introduction of deep learning architectures. This has gone hand in hand with increasing difficulty in explaining their internal functioning, which has become an important issue, both legally and socially. Winston Maxwell, legal researcher, and Florence d’Alché-Buc, researcher in machine learning, who both work for Télécom Paris, describe the current challenges involved in the explainability of algorithms.

Supporting companies in the midst of crisis

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The RAMP-UP Seed project is one of 9 new projects to have been selected by the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future as part of the “Resilience and Sustainability for the Industry of the Future” call for projects. It focuses…

How to better track cyber hate: AI to the rescue

The widescale use of social media, sometimes under cover of anonymity, has liberated speech and led to a proliferation of ideas, discussions and opinions on the internet. It has also led to a flood of hateful, sexist, racist and abusive speech.…

AI for interoperable and autonomous industrial systems

At Mines Saint-Étienne, researchers Olivier Boissier, Maxime Lefrançois and Antoine Zimmermann are using AI to tackle the issue of interoperability, which is essential to the industry of the future. The standardization of information…

A European project to assess the performance of robotic functions

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Healthcare, maintenance, the agri-food industry, agile manufacturing. Metrics, a three-year H2020 project launched in January, is organizing robot competitions geared towards these four industries and is developing metrological methods to assess the data collected. TeraLab, IMT's big data and AI platform, is a partner in this project. Interview with Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Director of TeraLab.