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214 search results for: algorithm


Covid-19 crisis management maps

The prefecture of the Tarn department worked with a research team from IMT Mines Albi to meet their needs in managing the Covid-19 crisis. Frédérick Benaben, an industrial engineering researcher, explains the tool they developed to help local stakeholders visualize the necessary information and facilitate their decision-making.   “The Covid-19 crisis is original and new, […]


Something phishy is going on!

Cyberattacks have been on the rise since the month of March 2020. Hervé Debar, an information systems security researcher at Télécom SudParis, talked to us about the relationship between cyberattacks – such as phishing and zoom-bombing  – and the Covid-19 health crisis.   For some, the crisis brought about by Covid-19 has created opportunities: welcome […]


Big data and personal information: a scientific revolution?

This article was originally published (in French) on the website for IMT’s Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]O[/dropcap]n 15 November 2019, Valérie Charolles was the keynote speaker at a symposium organized by the University of Insurance on the theme, “Data : a (r)evolution for insurance?” For this sector, where […]


Taking on quantum computers

What if quantum computers, with their high computing power, were already available: what would happen? How would quantum computing transform communications and the way they are encrypted? Romain Alléaume, a researcher at Télécom Paris, talks to us about his research for the future of cryptography.   A hypothetical quantum computer with its high computing power […]


CoronaCheck : separating fact from fiction in the Covid-19 epidemic

Rumors about the origins of the Covid-19 epidemic and news about miracle cures are rampant. And some leaders have taken the liberty of putting forth questionable figures. To combat such misinformation, Paolo Papotti and his team at EURECOM have developed an algorithmic tool for the general public, which can determine the accuracy of the figures. In […]


High expectations for AI to ensure the security of new networks

As networks increasingly rely on new, primarily software-based architectures, the issue of security cannot be overlooked. Artificial intelligence is one field researchers are exploring to provide sufficient protection for these new networks, such as 5G (and beyond) and constrained networks such as the IoT. An approach explored in particular by cybersecurity researchers at IMT Lille […]


Joint AI: a platform to facilitate German-French research in AI

In 2019, The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future launched the Joint AI platform project. This platform bringing together IMT and the Technical University of Munich, promotes collaboration between researchers and industry to develop artificial intelligence tools. Its secure environment allows for intellectual property protection for the results, and the reproducibility of scientific […]


DNA as the data storage medium

By 2025 the volume of data produced in the world will have reached 250 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1021 bytes). Current storage media have insufficient storage capacity or suffer from obsolescence. Preserving even a fraction of this data means finding a storage device with density and durability characteristics significantly superior to those of existing systems. […]


What is a digital twin?

Digital twins, digital doubles – what exactly do these terms mean? Raksmey Phan, an engineer at the Mines Saint-Étienne Centre for Biomedical and Health Engineering (CIS)[1], talks to us about the advantages and advances offered by these new tools, as well as the issues involved.   What does a digital twin refer to? Raksmey Phan: […]


AiiNTENSE: AI for intensive care units

The start-up AiiNTENSE was incubated at IMT Starter and develops decision support tools for healthcare with the aim of advising intensive care personnel on the most appropriate therapeutic procedures. To this end, the start-up is developing a data platform of all diseases and conditions, which it has made available to researchers. It therefore seeks to […]