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214 search results for: algorithm
BAYFLEX: green electronics for health
The European BAYFLEX project aims to develop flexible, intelligent sensors capable of continuously collecting and processing biological signals before their on-chip classification. This ambitious project adds value by using “green” organic technologies, which require less energy to manufacture and use.
Data and model-assisted beekeeping
Gregory Zacharewicz, IMT Mines Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom and Baptiste Magnier, IMT Mines Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom Bees are key participants in biodiversity. They contribute enormously to pollination, an essential step in the life cycle of plants. Yet current threats to biodiversity herald the disappearance of pollinating insects and honey bees in particular (such as […]
Virtual reality to improve crisis management and cybersecurity
Known for its use in entertainment, virtual reality also offers interesting perspectives for crisis management and cybersecurity. Two projects carried out at IMT Mines Albi and IMT Atlantique aim to virtually simulate crises in supply chains and visualize cyberattacks. When managing a supply chain or a digital environment, it can be difficult to visualize all […]
Semaxone keeps an eye (and an ear) on the stress levels of airline pilots
In flight, an airplane pilot must be able to make the right decisions quickly. This cool-headedness is difficult to maintain in an often stressful environment… Semaxone, a start-up present at VivaTech 2022 with IMT, aims to monitor the cognitive state of pilots by studying their cerebral blood flow and analyzing their voice. Airline and fighter pilots often have […]
3D Aerospace: developing precision mapping
Maps that are updated in real time are particularly useful tools for taking into account regular changes in a geographical area. The start-up 3D Aerospace proposes solutions with multiple applications, from driverless cars to vineyard management. The map applications we use every day are capable of an accuracy of within a few meters, which is […]
Improving battery performance with Entroview
To optimize the production of batteries for electric vehicles, the start-up Entroview develops diagnostic solutions to speed up the testing phase. The young company’s primary targets are gigafactories and industries specialized in battery design. With the growth of the electric vehicle market, battery production is a key issue for vehicle manufacturers and gigafactories. To guarantee […]