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Simulation and serious games: training tools for crisis management

To prepare elected officials, local authorities and citizens to respond in times of crises, immersive simulations and serious games are particularly useful. At IMT Mines Alès and Mines Saint-Étienne, these techniques are used to help prepare people for the worst. Several sirens are blaring in a chilly room at IMT Mines Alès. Staff from the […]


Side Channel Attacks: How to exploit vulnerabilities of processors?

Side channel attacks exploit confidential information obtained from microarchitecture of general purpose computers, in other terms microprocessors. Maria Mushtaq, researcher in cybersecurity at Telecom Paris, explains how these attacks work and give suggestions to improve computer security. What are the motivations that can lead to side channel attacks? Maria Mushtaq: A side-channel attack is a […]


Semaxone keeps an eye (and an ear) on the stress levels of airline pilots

In flight, an airplane pilot must be able to make the right decisions quickly. This cool-headedness is difficult to maintain in an often stressful environment… Semaxone, a start-up present at VivaTech 2022 with IMT, aims to monitor the cognitive state of pilots by studying their cerebral blood flow and analyzing their voice. Airline and fighter pilots often have […]


3D Aerospace: developing precision mapping

Maps that are updated in real time are particularly useful tools for taking into account regular changes in a geographical area. The start-up 3D Aerospace proposes solutions with multiple applications, from driverless cars to vineyard management. The map applications we use every day are capable of an accuracy of within a few meters, which is […]


Improving battery performance with Entroview

To optimize the production of batteries for electric vehicles, the start-up Entroview develops diagnostic solutions to speed up the testing phase. The young company’s primary targets are gigafactories and industries specialized in battery design. With the growth of the electric vehicle market, battery production is a key issue for vehicle manufacturers and gigafactories. To guarantee […]


A New Nuclear Plan for France? Understanding current events in the light of history

Michaël Mangeon, Université Paris Nanterre – Université Paris Lumières and Mathias Roger, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom On February 10, 2022, a few weeks before the first round of the French presidential elections, Emmanuel Macron announced the launch of an ambitious program to build nuclear reactors. Other candidates (Marine Le Pen, Éric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse and Fabien Roussel) also made […]


Decadom: solutions for monitoring manufacturing defects

IMT Mines Albi and its corporate partner Diota launched the “Inspection 4.0” joint laboratory in 2016 to detect and analyze part manufacturing defects. In 2020, the Decadom project was launched. This initiative has developed inspection solutions based on the use of a scanner hand-held by an operator or mounted on a robot to investigate defects […]