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96 search results for: home network


Torrential rain: polluting a long, calm river

Intense rainfall events linked to climate change generate dynamic runoff which, through erosion, removes materials from the soil, including contaminants. At IMT Nord Europe, research teams are carrying out complementary measurement and modeling work to understand how this displaced matter enters the water cycle, and how to better manage territories.


Éric Guibal: an insatiable appetite for research

Éric Guibal, a chemical engineering researcher at IMT Mines Alès, works on the use of biomass and biopolymers for metal recovery. He has received national and international recognition for his scientific contributions, which include numerous publications. He also dedicated part of his career to developing an international scientific collaboration network in Latin America and Egypt.


What is concentrated solar power ?

Concentrated solar power concentrates the sun’s rays to generate heat and electricity. It differs from photovoltaic solar production and therefore offers a new mode of energy production. Ugo Pelay, research professor at IMT Nord Europe, explains the principles behind this system.


Behind the prompts: the unsuspected risks of generative AI

The EU recently adopted the AI Act, which establishes a legal framework for the safe and ethical use of AI. But what about generative AI? At Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, a researcher and her PhD student are studying the risks associated with generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, based on real-life incidents. Their work highlights major ethical issues and shows the emergence of multifaceted risks associated with the new uses of this revolutionary technology.


What is methanization?

Methanization reduces the volume of organic waste and prevents biogas produced by fermentation, including methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from being dispersed into the atmosphere. Biogas is also used to produce heat, electricity and even biomethane for injection into the natural gas grid. Yves Andrès and Khaled Loubar, researchers at IMT Atlantique, tell us more about this technology which is emerging as a key driver of energy transition.


A biocluster to boost innovation in cancer treatment

Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster offers a wide range of scientific and technical solutions to support the challenging field of research aimed at fighting cancer. Telecom Paris is invested in this ambitious initiative, which strengthens ties between those driving innovation in oncology and provides access to a combination of technological platforms, databases, expertise and training opportunities.


Will buildings soon achieve self-awareness?

The SUST(AI)N project aims to create connected and aware buildings with a focus on human needs. The technological blocks for this system include ubiquitous and invisible sensors powered by radio frequency signals. A Telecom SudParis team has been working on this new development for over a year.


Digital employee advocacy: when employees become ambassadors for the company

Faced with the difficulties caused by silent resignations and the lack of identification with organizations, digital employee advocacy platforms are being deployed within companies. Digital employee advocacy is a concept that makes employees ambassadors for their company. Anuragini Shirish and Anaya Kumar, researchers at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, focused on what triggers digital employee advocacy behavior.


BAYFLEX: green electronics for health

The European BAYFLEX project aims to develop flexible, intelligent sensors capable of continuously collecting and processing biological signals before their on-chip classification. This ambitious project adds value by using “green” organic technologies, which require less energy to manufacture and use.