
How has digital technology changed migrants’ lives?

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Over the past few decades, migrants have become increasingly connected, as have societies in both their home and host countries. The use of new technologies allows them to maintain ties with their home countries while helping them integrate…

Left out of the digital revolution?

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Dominique Pasquier, Télécom ParisTech, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) This text is published as part of the "Digital Society" column written by researchers from the Economic and Social Sciences department at Télécom ParisTech, members…
social media and crisis situation, riot

Social media and crisis situation: learning how to control the situation

Attacks, riots, natural disasters… all these crises spark wide-spread action among citizens on online social media. From surges of solidarity to improvised manhunts, the best and the worst can unfurl. Hence the need to know how to manage and…

Four flagship measurements of the GDPR for the economy

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Patrick Waelbroeck, Professor in Economic Sciences, Télécom ParisTech, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] [dropcap]N[/dropcap]umerous scandals concerning data theft or misuse that have shaken…
responsible innovation

Innovation: to be or not to be responsible?

How should the concept of responsibility be defined at a time when innovation prides itself on providing answers to major societal issues? For organizations, the concept of responsible innovation is not quite the same as for the scientists studying…

The economy of promises, how to fall in love with a growth rate

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School This article was published in association with the "Does progress have a future?" series of conferences organized by the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, from Tuesday 15 to 26 May…

OMNI: transferring social sciences and humanities to the digital society

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I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute (TSN), to which IMT Atlantique belongs. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] Technology…

GDPR: towards values and policies

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On May 25th, the GDPR came into effect. This new regulation requires administrations and companies in the 27 EU countries to comply with the law on the protection of personal data. Since its creation in 2013, the IMT Research Chair Values and…
digital metamorphosis

Sociology and philosophy combine to offer a better understanding of the digital metamorphosis

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Intellectual, professional, political, personal, private: every aspect of our lives is affected by technological developments that are transforming our society in a profound way. These changes raise specific challenges that require a connection…

Social and solidarity economy in light of corporate reform

Mélissa Boudes, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School This article was co-authored by Quentin Renoul, entrepreneur. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he draft PACTE law (Action Plan for Business Growth…