Élise Vareilles
Our expertsIMT Mines Albi | Configuration, Decision Support Systems, Constraint Programming, Knowledge Management

Dana Diminescu
Our expertsTélécom Paris | #diasporas #migration #uses #soicology
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How has digital technology changed migrants' lives?

Laurent Alleman
Our expertsIMT Lille Douai | #atmosphere #particles #metals #health

Guillaume Duc
Our expertsTélécom Paris | #connectedcar #cybersecurity

Jacques Fages
Our expertsIMT Mines Albi | Supercritical fluids, CO2, Process Engineering, Biotechnology

Raphaël Troncy
Our expertsEURECOM | #ArtificialIntelligence #Data #SemanticWeb
Raphaël Troncy is an Associate Professor in the Data Science department at EURECOM. He got his PhD from Grenoble University (France) in 2004 and had research positions at INA (Institut…

Ange Nzihou
Our expertsIMT Mines Albi | #recycling #waste #energy
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Three new winners of the IMT-Académie des Sciences awards
Waste worth its weight in gold

Jean-José Orteu
Our expertsIMT Mines Albi | #photomechanics #metrology #computervision
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Decadom: solutions for monitoring manufacturing defects
What is photomechanics?

Anne-Sophie Taillandier
Our expertsIMT, Teralab platform | #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence
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Anne-Sophie Taillandier: New member of the Academy of technologies
A European consortium for early detection…

Madeleine Besson
Our expertsInstitut Mines-Telecom Business School | #Industryofthefuture #DigitalTransformation
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Can workspaces become agile?
Between France and Germany, studying the metamorphosis…