Vincent Augusto
Our expertsMines Saint-Étienne | #modeling and simulation, performance evaluation, healthcare systems, health data

Mohamed Daoudi
Our expertsIMT Nord Europe| #PatternRecognition #Imaging

Thierry Djenizian
Our expertsMines Saint-Étienne | #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergies #Environment
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What is a lithium-ion battery?
An autonomous contact lens to improve human vision

Patrick Waelbroeck
Our expertsTélécom Paris | #blockchain #PersonalData #chairVPIP
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Health crisis, state of emergency: what safeguards are there for our fundamental freedoms?
Data brokers: the…

Jean-Luc Dugelay
Our expertsEURECOM | #biometrics
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Iris recognition, towards a biometric system for smartphones

Matthieu Lauras
Our expertsIMT Mines Albi | #SupplyChain #IndustrialEngineering
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What is supply chain management?
Supply chain management: Tools for responding to unforeseen events

Isabelle Bloch
Our expertsTélécom Paris | #MedicalImaging #e-Health #Modeling
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Mathematical tools for analyzing the development of brain pathologies in children
Aid in interpreting medical…

Bruno Lacarrière
Our expertsIMT Atlantique | #Modeling #EnergyTransition #SmartCity
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Improving heating network performance through modeling
In Nantes, the smart city becomes a reality with my…

Yaneck Gottesman
Our expertsTélécom SudParis | #Biometrics #Metrology #Optics
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BioDigital, a new technology to combat identity spoofing
Precision measurement and characterization

Ronan Fablet
Our expertsIMT Atlantique | #RemoteSensing #Satellite #Ocean #BigData
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Smarter models of the ocean
Ocean remote sensing: solving the puzzle of missing data