Dominique Thers’ team at IMT Atlantique is working on XEMIS, a medical imaging device that uses liquid xenon.

Is dark matter the key to the medical scanner of the future?

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A team of researchers at IMT Atlantique is developing a new type of medical scanner called XEMIS. To create the device, the team drew on their previous research in fundamental physics and the detection of dark matter, using liquid xenon technology.…
aerosol therapy

Aerosol therapy: An ex vivo model of lungs

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A researcher in Health Engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne, Jérémie Pourchez, and his colleagues at the Saint-Étienne University Hospital, have developed an ex vivo model of lungs to help improve medical aerosol therapy devices. An advantage…
Photographie d'un implant osseux à base de phosphate de calcium conçus par l'équipe de David Marchat.

Bone implants to stimulate bone regeneration

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Mines Saint-Étienne's Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering (CIS) seeks to improve healthcare through innovations in engineering. David Marchat, a materials researcher at CIS, is working on developing calcium phosphate-based biomaterials.…

An “electronic nose” analyzes people’s breath to help sniff out diseases

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In partnership with IMT Atlantique, a team of researchers at IMT Lille Douai have developed a device which can measure the level of ammonia in someone’s breath. The aim of the artificial nose is to use this device to create a personalized…

Mendeleev: The history of a table

2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the periodic table of elements. To celebrate this anniversary, the Mines ParisTech Library and Mineralogy Museum have teamed up to create the exhibition Before Mendeleev: Genesis of a Table, on view until…
applis mobiles, mobile apps

Do mobile apps for kids respect privacy rights?

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The number of mobile applications for children is rapidly increasing. An entire market segment is taking shape to reach this target audience. Just like adults, the personal data issue applies to these younger audiences. Grazia Cecere, a researcher…

Robots on their best behavior in the factory of the future

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A shorter version of this article was published in the monthly magazine Acteurs du franco-allemand, as part of an editorial partnership. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] Robots must learn to communicate better if they want to…
vagues scélérates, rogue waves

Optics as a key to understanding rogue waves

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Rogue waves are powerful waves that erupt suddenly. They are rare, but destructive. Above all, they are unpredictable. Surprisingly, researchers have been able to better understand these fascinating waves by studying similar phenomena in fiber…

Fine against Facebook: How the American FTC transformed itself into “super CNIL”

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Article written in partnership with The Conversation Winston Maxwell, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he US consumer protection regulator has issued a record…
lentille autonome, autonomous contact lens

An autonomous contact lens to improve human vision

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Two teams from IMT Atlantique and Mines Saint-Étienne have developed an autonomous contact lens which is powered by an integrated flexible micro-battery. This invention is a world first that opens new health prospects, whilst also opening the door for scientists to develop other human-machine interfaces.