
Descartes at the intersection between philosophy and mathematics

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Philosophy and mathematics come together in the work of René Descartes. Yet there are still many facets of Cartesian mathematics that remain little-known. In the book Descartes et ses mathématiques, edited by Olivia Chevalier, Research Officer at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, she presents Descartes' mathematical thinking, along with other authors.

Digital twins for industrial systems: future allies for performance

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To achieve its mission, the Digital Twins for Industrial Systems Chair combines the efforts of three Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) schools under one sponsorship chair. It provides a research framework for certain scientific and technical issues involved in use cases, performance, management and maintenance of these digital twins, with the support of three industrial partners.

Patrice Abry, winner of the 2024 IMT-Académie des Sciences Grand Prize

Complex systems specialist Patrice Abry played a key role in identifying the fractal nature of Internet traffic as early as 1998. The success of his work, carried out in collaboration with Daryl Veitch, sparked the launch of a series of research projects integrating theoretical advances and applications, particularly in cybersecurity, that have continued over two decades. We review a career that saw techniques evolve with the times, but in which fundamental constants remain.

The AI Act makes an entrance

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The AI Act was adopted on June 13, 2024 with the aim of regulating artificial intelligence within the EU. The Act classifies AI systems by their level of risk, and imposes strict restrictions on technologies that pose significant threats to security and individual liberties. How does this differ in comparison to existing frameworks and how will it be implemented? An analysis from Winston Maxwell and Anne-Sophie Taillandier, two AI experts.

Omni: observing sustainable digital practices in the workplace

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Businesses can no longer ignore the impact that the digital world is having on the environment. At IMT Atlantique, François Deltour and Virginie Lethiais are using the OMNI observatory to explore initiatives rolled out at establishments in Brittany to reduce their digital footprint. Their latest analyses showcase various practices, ranging from raising awareness to more structured measures such as implementing electronic waste reduction policies or purchasing equipment that has been certified with eco-labels.

Stéphane Avril: When biomedical research crosses paths with entrepreneurship

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Stéphane Avril, Biomechanics professor at Mines Saint-Etienne, is exploring the route of entrepreneurship to take his research work to the next level. In co-founding PrediSurge in 2017 and then KaomX in 2024, he has been creating start-ups to take innovations from the laboratory into the economic sphere. Between technology, filing patents and improving technology readiness, let’s take a look back over his achievements as a researcher-entrepreneur.
Image d'illustration d'une main humaine et d'une main robotique qui se rejoignent

The invisible electronic chip that restores the sense of touch

It could soon be possible to restore tactile sensations for people fitted with prosthetics thanks to the Flexeo project. This research program, led by Mines Saint-Etienne, has entered the second phase after four years of development. Under the supervision of Sylvain Blayac, the team has designed a flexible electronic chip that can detect and reproduce tactile sensations.
Chaque année, 213 millions de tonnes de déchets sont produites par le secteur du BTP en France (chiffres Ademe).

The Cirval chair: working towards a construction industry that uses materials and energy more efficently

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Millions of tonnes of waste are produced every year by the construction industry in France. The Cirval industrial chair is therefore devoted to reducing the impact of the sector. The Fondation Mines-Télécom, IMT Nord Europe and a dozen SMEs work together as part of Cirval, developing concrete solutions to recycle, reuse and save resources. At the same time, Cirval works with institutions to adapt standards and facilitate the circular economy in the construction industry.

Elsa Dupraz, 2024 IMT-Academy of Science Young Scientist Prize

Channel coding is the focus of Elsa Dupraz's research, a key process for improving information transmission in telecommunications. While the technique’s effectiveness in this field is well known, the researcher is also exploring novel applications, such as data compression and DNA storage. Her research, at the intersection between several disciplines, has fostered multiple collaborations and earned her the 2024 IMT-Academy of Science Young Scientist Prize.

What are neural networks?

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Neural networks are AI models designed by machine learning. They are inspired by the workings of the human brain and allow machines to carry out different tasks autonomously. Using large quantities of data as examples, they can be trained in image recognition or text analysis. Beyond their predictive performance, a number of scientific challenges still need to be resolved, concerning the understanding of their limits, reliability of their use, and their acceptability, in addition to ethical issues such as energy consumption. Stephan Clémençon, a researcher in artificial intelligence at Télécom Paris, explains more.