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3 search results for: dechets


The Cirval chair: working towards a construction industry that uses materials and energy more efficently

Millions of tonnes of waste are produced every year by the construction industry in France. The Cirval industrial chair is therefore devoted to reducing the impact of the sector. The Fondation Mines-Télécom, IMT Nord Europe and a dozen SMEs work together as part of Cirval, developing concrete solutions to recycle, reuse and save resources. At the same time, Cirval works with institutions to adapt standards and facilitate the circular economy in the construction industry.


Bio-waste recovery: methanization steps on the gas!

Bio-waste is everywhere: in wastewater treatment plants, landfills, farms and local communities. Many stakeholders believe methanization offers a timely solution for treating such organic waste, while also producing energy. At IMT Atlantique, a research team is conducting studies on the viability of these facilities and the biogas they produce. As part of their applied research, they use complex tools involving several disciplines.


Vabhyogaz uses our waste to produce hydrogen

Hydrogen is a resource that is prized for its applications in the chemical industry and for its role in the fuel cells used in electric vehicles. Vabhyogaz – a project initiated by Didier Grouset, a researcher at Mines Albi – proposes to convert biogas from our waste into hydrogen. The project, which began nearly ten […]