
Measuring pollution emissions from maritime transport
Energy & environment, Environment, In the News
While road traffic pollution is now strictly controlled, the same cannot be said for the maritime sector, with its different fuels, engine types and regulations that differ depending on the shipping area. The EMINAV project, funded by Ademe…

Improving air quality with decision-making tools
Energy & environment, Environment, Europe EN, In the News
Launched in October for a four-year period, the RI-URBANS project aims to strengthen synergies between European air quality monitoring networks and research infrastructures in the field of atmospheric sciences. IMT Nord Europe is a partner…

Our indoor air is polluted, but new materials could provide solutions
Energy & environment, Environment, In the News, Materials
Frédéric Thévenet, IMT Lille Douai – Institut Mines-Télécom
We spend 80% of our lives in enclosed spaces, whether at home, at work or in transit. We are therefore very exposed to this air, which is often more polluted than outdoor…

Decision support tools for maritime accident management
Digital, Energy & environment, Environment, Europe EN, In the News
The European MANIFESTS project, launched in January, is a two-year project bringing together a consortium of nine research institutions and public administrations with complementary expertise in managing maritime accidents. Funded by the European…