
Plastic waste: transforming a problem into energy
Energy, Energy & environment, Environment, In the News
The linear life cycle of plastics, too rarely recycled, exerts a heightened pressure on the environment. The process of gasification makes it possible to reduce this impact by transforming more waste – currently incinerated or left in landfill…

Carbon-free hydrogen: how to go from gray to green?
Energy, Energy & environment, In the News
The industrial roll-out of hydrogen production only makes sense if it emits little or no carbon dioxide. Researchers at IMT schools are working on various alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, such as electrolysis and photocatalysis of water,…

Hydrogen: transport and storage difficulties
Energy, Energy & environment, In the News
Does hydrogen hold the key to the great energy transition to come? France and other countries believe this to be the case, and have chosen to invest heavily in the sector. Such spending will be needed to solve the many issues raised by this…

Fuel cells in the hydrogen age
Energy, Energy & environment, In the News
Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are recognized as a clean technology because they do not emit carbon dioxide. As part of the energy transition aimed at transforming our modes of energy consumption and production, the fuel cell therefore has a role…