Sylvain Drapier
Our expertsMines Saint-Étienne | #modeling #CompositeMaterials
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What is a composite material?
Bernadette Dorizzi
Our expertsTélécom SudParis | #biometrics #algorithm #DigitalSecurity
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BioDigital, a new technology to combat identity spoofing
IMT becomes an associated partner of EIT He…
Christian Person
Our expertsIMT Atlantique | #e-textiles #SmartClothing #e-health
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Textiles and connected people
André Thépaut
Our expertsIMT Atlantique |#ComputerScience #HomeAutomation #NeuralNetworks
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Pierre-Antoine Chardel
Our expertsInstitut Mines-Telecom Business School | #sociology #ethics #DigitalMetamorphosis
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Sociology and philosophy combine to offer a better understanding of the digital metamorphosis
Gérard Dubey
Our expertsInstitut Mines-Telecom Business School | #Robotics #sociology #biometrics
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Technologically enhanced humans: a look behind the myth
Antonio Casilli
Our expertsTélécom Paris | #SocialNetworks #digitallabor #privacy
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From personal data to artificial intelligence: who benefits from our clicking?
We need to rethink the ethics…
Maryline Laurent
Our expertsTélécom SudParis | #cybersecurity #DataProtection #privacy #cryptography
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Health crisis, state of emergency: what safeguards are there for our fundamental freedoms?
Claire Levallois-Barth
Our expertsTélécom ParisTech | #surveillance #cybersecurity #digitalidentity
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Data governance: trust it (or not?)
Facial recognition: what legal protection exists?
COVID-19: contact tracing applications,…
Stéphane Avril
Our expertsMines Saint-Étienne | #biomechanics #biomedicalengineering #health
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Twin ERC grants for research on the aorta
A digital twin of the aorta to help prevent aneurysm rupture
IMT awards…