Scientific news from the Institut Mines-Télécom.


Published on 11 April 2024

By Ingrid Colleau

Stéphane Avril, the mechanics of human tissue

Stéphane Avril is a mechanical engineer, but his research focuses on the elasticity and resistance of arteries, and how this changes with disease or old age. This researcher from Mines Saint-Étienne is passionate about biology and has received a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grant for the third time. This funding will support his next ambitious project: reversing the effects of aging on arteries by controlling mechanical wear. It represents a new phase in a journey at the interface between two disciplines.

3D representation of the elasticity of the aorta. The ERC JuvenTwin project aims at slowing the aging of the arteries.

Stéphane Avril is a faculty member at Mines Saint-Étienne, studying the mechanics of the materials that make up the human body. It is a discipline combining both physics and biology that involves understanding how human tissues resist the deformation and forces applied to them, for how long, and to what extent their functions are modified as a result. The researcher is particularly interested in one type of tissue: arteries, distributing blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

As part of his work, the researcher collaborates with hospitals to collect samples, which he uses to develop digital twins with his team. In other words, he creates a virtual model of patients’ arteries in order to simulate surgical operations before they take place, thus helping practitioners.

A transparent revelation

However, the researcher received general engineering training, and was in no way predestined to work in the medical field. Stéphane Avril specialized in solid mechanics and first worked on the resistance of composite materials used in aircraft structures. The turning point came during a sabbatical at Loughborough University in England: “I was working with a team developing imaging techniques to analyze the deformation of materials. The problem was that the composite materials were too opaque to experiment with these new techniques. So, we first used them on semi-transparent materials, in this case, biological tissue.

He soon developed a passion for the mechanics of these very particular materials. “Biology and mechanics are intimately linked. Unlike the materials I studied before, whenever forces are applied, human tissues change and so do their biological functions,” explains the researcher. From that point on, there was no turning back.

Upon his return from the UK, Stéphane Avril joined Mines Saint-Étienne, where a biomechanics laboratory was being developed. “When it came to solid mechanics, there was still a lot to discover and understand about biological tissues,” he says. For fifteen years now, the researcher has been training with biologists, which culminated in him becoming the co-director of an Inserm co-supervised research unit, SAINBIOSE, in 2016, then director in 2024. His work involves the virtuous alliance of disciplines at the intersection between the worlds of health and engineering, which required the researcher to learn the codes, methods and terms of another science. “It’s like speaking a foreign language. I’ve now mastered just enough to get by in the country,” he jokes.

Stéphane Avril, researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, juste won his third ERC grant.

Digital twins to monitor the evolution of arteries

In 2017, his work led him to co-found a start-up, PrediSurge. It provides digital tools for doctors and medical device manufacturers. Their aim is to improve the safety of surgical procedures and the design of endoprostheses, which are endovascular medical devices consisting of stents covered in a textile. Specifically, the start-up uses digital twin technology to provide an “instant” preview of a particular patient’s artery and stent placement.

But the researcher did not stop there – he became interested in the possibility of using digital twins for long-term predictions. “There’s a whole set of biological processes at work in our cells and arteries, directly linked to the mechanical forces applied to them,” says Stéphane Avril. Around the same time, he launched BIOLOCHANICS, a digital twin project focusing on this synergy between mechanical force and tissue properties for a specific pathology: aortic aneurysms.

Aneurysm rupture is linked to excessive stretching of the arterial walls and is generally fatal. This localized dilation is a natural and irreversible phenomenon, closely linked to aging, but which can be aggravated by other factors, such as smoking or alcohol consumption. Funded by a €2 million ERC Consolidator grant, the BIOLOCHANICS project uses medical imaging (CT, MRI) to set up a customized digital twin of the aorta, capable of predicting the long-term impact of forces acting on the aneurysm.

Citation“It’s always good for a researcher to get away from your daily routine”

– Stéphane Avril, researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne.

At the end of this project in 2020, the researcher took a sabbatical in Austria, coinciding with the lockdown brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Given the complications experienced during this first year, he decided to extend his stay. In the end, he spent two years between the Technical Universities of Vienna and Graz, exploring molecular and biomechanical approaches across two complementary teams. It was a key experience in terms of collaborations, but also a refreshing break. “When you’re doing research, it’s always good to get away from your daily routine and come back with new ideas,” he says.

A theory that was tested and approved – upon his return, Stéphane Avril was awarded a second ERC Proof of Concept grant for his MECHANOMICS-POC project. The more modest funding package (€150,000) supported the technology transfer of an imaging technique used in BIOLOCHANICS known as optical coherence tomography (OCT), through to the creation of a start-up. OCT is used to observe tissue deformations and forces applied at the cellular level. It was integrated into a platform called KaomX. The start-up provides maps of the elasticity around cells in tissues: key information for the pharmaceutical industry, since the effects of drugs depend on the tissue mechanics specific to each individual.

The ingredients of ERC: take a risk, add an idea

In his research, Stéphane Avril investigates how pathologies such as aneurysms are triggered and how they can be prevented. “All these diseases are essentially the result of aging arteries and mechanical wearI imagined that if we could maintain the right forces on the cells, we could stave off the effects of aging,” he says. After three years of maturation, the researcher decided to submit a revolutionary project: preventing the aging of arteries by controlling the forces applied to cells. He called it JuvenTwin, a name that evokes youth, but the researcher is well aware that it also has a sporting connotation: “I really like soccer”, he says with a smile.

In April 2024, the project was awarded an ERC Advanced grant, Stéphane Avril’s third. He gave us his recipe for success: “In my circle, many people see the ERC as inaccessible, but you have to start with an idea and, above all, dare to take risks.” This approach is not very common in the research world, where guaranteed results are often preferred. The researcher also recognizes the beneficial influence of having other grant recipients around him, to exchange ideas and seek advice, particularly during his time in Austria. He adds that luck may also have been on his side. “The first time I applied for an ERC 14 years ago, I didn’t get it, and it took me three tries before I got it. For JuvenTwin, I didn’t think the request would go through on the first try, but the word ‘rejuvenation’ must have had an effect!

A leap into the unknown

It may sound like science fiction, but rejuvenation is an emerging field of research. Many studies show that it is possible to slow down the aging process, but not in a controlled way. JuvenTwin is part of a worldwide research effort into arterial ageing and rejuvenation, focusing on clinical and biological approaches, but not mechanical ones.

To support this highly specialized topic of arterial tissue aging, Stéphane Avril has developed collaborations with two teams specializing in this field, at Yale University in the USA, and at the Acute and Chronic Cardiovascular Failure (DCAC) unit in Nancy, France (under the supervision of Inserm and Université de Lorraine). The latter has set up a biobank of unique vascular cells and tissues from individuals of various ages and profiles, making it possible to study their mechanical behavior.

The influence of mechanics on aging is a relatively new and little-known research topic. Even if we have a parachute, it’s still a real leap into the void!” says the researcher. “But it’s a complementary lead that should provide new elements, and we hope that our research will have a very significant impact.”